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Porn at Work

One of the excuses that I often hear as to why adult webmasters refuse to label their websites is because “employers will block it – and a lot of my traffic comes during business hours!” Now, that’s all fine and dandy, but the purpose of labeling is to prevent your site from being viewed by people who are unauthorized (or unwilling) to do so – and that includes not only minors, but also those that do not wish to view adult material, as well as those who are supposed to be working instead… While we all “get” the minors bit, as well as the “folks who don’t want to see porn” bit, sadly, most webmasters don’t seemed to be very concerned that a visitor to their site could lose their job – and ability to support their family, let alone join your website – simply because they were not working when they were supposed to be

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Critics: South African Porn Bill Threatens Free Media

Draft legislation aimed at amending South Africa’s media laws goes too far, according to several media freedom organizations who claim the bid to curb the spread of child pornography is really a thinly disguised attempt at censorship.

State Employees Face Large Fine for Viewing Porn at Work

A bill that seeks to impose a large fine for employees accessing adult content on state computers has been unanimously approved by the California State Assembly. Under the terms of the bill, violators could be fined up to $1,000.

Dutch Farmers Sue Over Porn Links

A Dutch dating site dedicated to matching single farmers has taken issue with the sponsored ad links next to its entry on Google’s search page. The company is suing the Internet giant, accusing Google of tying it to pornographic websites.

Pamela Peaks Announces Latest Porn Party

Pornstar Pamela Peaks will be hosting an adult industry party on Friday Aug. 18 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Rio Joe Begins Work on Porn Star Survival Guide

Guide to help new talent navigate porn biz.

Google Says Maybe to Porn

Google, which recently launched Google Video, its section for user-generated video content, has made a curious change to its upload area warning, striking the word pornography from a page that previously forbade users from uploading “pornographic or obscene material.” The warning now only restricts users from uploading “obscene” material.


Porn blooper reel

Most adult DVDs come with behind-the-scenes documentaries

Gram Ponante ·

Nev. Politician Accusing Opponent of ‘Porn’ Ties in Smear Campaign

Negative attack ads are standard fare in American politics, but lieutenant governor candidate Brian Krolicki’s ad campaign, in which he accuses Barbara Lee Woollen, his opponent for the Republican nomination, of working in X-rated films, is downright libelous, according to Woolen.


Great American Porn Script

Over the years, many people have asked me how to write a script that will grab an adult film producer's attention. These people come from all walks of life and are driven by a need to contribute creatively to the social soup. And to meet Jesse Jane. Regardless of motive, I offer the following advice as a guide to would-be porn scribes.

Nelson X ·

Study: More Kids Exposed to Online Porn, Fewer Predators

A study of online child safety from the University of New Hampshire’s Crimes Against Children Research Center presented a mixed bag, finding that while incidents of predators approaching children were down, the rate of children being exposed to adult content online was up.

Man Pleads Guilty to Altering Porn Images

A man accused of tampering with porn images has pleaded guilty to deliberately making models look younger and less physically mature.

Regpay Child Porn Processors Sentenced to 25 Years

Two men were sentenced by a federal judge to 25 years in prison for their role in distributing child pornography online.

Latvian Diplomat Arrested on Porn Charges

The idea that porn could start an international incident may seem like farfetched fodder for a screwball comedy, but with two Eastern European nations squaring off over allegations that a diplomat appeared in a gay porn film and the European Union weighing in to bring the crisis to a resolution, the old saying that truth is stranger than fiction never seemed more appropriate.

Survey Says Church Members Like Porn

While few members of the adult entertainment industry would doubt the popularity of pornography, some may be surprised to learn that adult content has a devoted following of Christians, according to a survey conducted by a


Trend: MySpace more popular than porn

According to Google Trends, a beta product that awards scores based on web searches, MySpace has eclipsed "porn" in popularity

Gram Ponante ·

Midterm Porn Politics: 2

In part one, we looked at politics and the role it plays in the government's dealings with the adult entertainment industry. In this conclusion, we'll look at some suggestions for dealing with an increased level of prosecutorial danger:

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

Midterm Porn Politics: 1

It is not a secret that the regulatory environment for the adult entertainment industry has become markedly more hostile in recent years. In fact, if you keep up with the news and commentary generated by the industry media, you may feel that you are at war with your own government. In the past couple of years, the bellicose statements and invective rhetoric directed at the industry by its right wing enemies such as Sen. Sam Brownback and Rep. Mike Pence sound like Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threats to annihilate the state of Israel.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

Porn I'd like to see

One of the ways the media attempts to depict a magnate, celebrity, or politician as "out of touch" is to quiz him or her on how much a loaf of bread or bottle of milk costs

Gram Ponante ·

Anti-porn Group Launches Mail Campaign

Cincinnati-based anti-pornography group Citizens for Community Values is taking its fight to rid Butler County of adult materials and sexually oriented businesses to the people with the launch of a 6,000 strong direct mail campaign.