
News & Articles
4857 results:

Webmaster Access West Seminar: Promoting Porn Star Sites

In a landscape littered with official porn star sites, promoting them can be a daunting task for webmasters. The Promoting Porn Star Sites seminar on the second day of Webmaster Access West attempted to cut through the clutter to deliver sound advice for webmasters who wanted information about promoting official sites in the porn star niche.

Chinese Porn Website Operator Arrested

A Chinese couple has been arrested for allegedly operating a pornographic website. According to local prosecutors, the couple’s site featured live nude performances and chatrooms in violation of Chinese law.

Study: Majority of South African Children Have Seen Online Porn

A recent study conducted by the South African Film and Publications Board (FPB) has found that 70 percent of the nation’s school children have easy access to adult content online, and that many of the minors surveyed actively seek out sexually explicit images on the Internet.

Used Porn Domain For Sale

The owner of is offering the domain to the highest bidder via eBay auction.

New Site Offers Mobile Porn lists the best sources of adult entertainment that can be transferred to iPod, mobile phone, PDA and Sony PSP. Each listing is labeled with the formats the content is in as well as the devices they are intended for.

The Floating World Sponsors Porn Star Panel

The Floating World is providing free passes to the three-day Webmaster Access West show Nov. 8-11, for all interested adult industry talent.


Federales-free porn

The interesting thing about Axel Braun's Latina Dayworkers is that each Latina is picked up in the same car by a different driver

Gram Ponante ·

Study Suggests Social Benefits of Access to Online Porn

An academic paper written by a Clemson University Economics professor suggests that there is a causal link between access to online adult entertainment and the instances of sexual assault. His conclusion: Increased Internet access is a factor in lowering the rape rate.

Federal Fight Against Child Porn Ramps Up

Taking away the purchasing power of child pornographers will stem the flow of money to illegal child exploitation websites. That’s the idea behind the Federal Coalition Against Child Pornography; a group that includes banks, credit card companies, third-party payment companies and Internet services companies that are dedicated to fighting child pornography over the Internet.

RNC Accepts Money From Gay Porn Distributor

After criticizing Rep. Harold Ford Jr., D-Tenn., for accepting campaign contributions from “porn movie producers” in a TV commercial, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Ken Mehlman, also has accepted money from the adult entertainment industry.

Nintendo Game Links to Porn Site

Nintendo should check the wording on its boxcovers more carefully. Gamers intending to visit the official site listed on the box for the GameCube game Killer 7, instead wound up at a porn site that promotes Naughty America, TopBucks and others.


Archaeological porn

Here at the XBiz Family of Adult Services we take somber delight in watching old sitcoms and, when the pet walks into frame, saying, "Tiger is probably dead now

Gram Ponante ·

Microsoft Wins Judgment Against Porn Spammer

For the second time in as many months, Microsoft has secured a court victory over a spammer accused of violating the company’s Hotmail terms of service agreement to push porn online.


Bienvenido a Valle de Porn, Casey Parker

As the Mayor of Porn Valley (in that way I am like Vaclav Havel), I am often asked to ceremonially greet new arrivals

Gram Ponante ·

Irish Domain Registrar Bans ‘Porn’

While adult entertainment is legal to produce and sell in Ireland, apparently the word “porn” doesn’t pass muster. According to both the Irish registrar of the .ie Internet domain suffix and the Companies Registration Office (CRO), should be banned because it endangers public morality.

Anti-Porn Campaign to Begin Next Week

Phil Burress, the leader of the conservative Citizens for Community Values group, will launch the White Ribbon Against Pornography campaign next week in a bid to raise awareness about what he calls the social ills of adult entertainment.

ACLU Challenges Constitutionality of Law Aimed at Online Porn

Supported by the American Civil Liberties Union, a coalition of website publishers offered opening arguments today in their case against the 1998 Child Online Protection Act (COPA).

Violent Porn Murderer Wins Appeal, Gets New Trial

An English appeals court has quashed the conviction of Graham Coutts, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2004 after jurors found him guilty of what prosecutors called a murder inspired by violent porn.

Philadelphia Opposes Newsstand Displaying Porn

A newsstand operator who refuses to section off his adult content offerings is in danger of losing his business, according to the City Council, which has vowed to take action on the matter.

Italy, Microsoft Team Up to Stop Child Porn

Taking a cue from the successful debuts of Microsoft’s anti-child pornography system in Canada and Indonesia, Italy is the first European country to adopt the Child Exploitation Tracking System.