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Porn Wars: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I began a discussion of the mechanics of my evolving online adult business and marketing model, using the execution of the current conflict with Iraq to provide a metaphorical reference to my plan – follow along and see how it develops

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Porn Wars: Part 1

My regular readers will know that I love the use of stories, parables, and analogies to convey the essence of my thought process, and this series will be no exception. While many of you are no doubt tired of all the talk of war that currently occupies the media

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Politics & Porn

Politics and Porn; what may seem as an unlikely combination for some is quite natural for others. Whether the goal is to be elected to local, county, or state governmental posts, or to Congress – even the Presidency, our country offers opportunity for all to participate – even us pornographers

Theresa Reed ·

The State of the Union and Online Porn

Tonight, our President George W. Bush delivered the 214th State of the Union address, outlining the current condition of America, its future, and its role in the world at large. Traditionally affecting all areas of the culture and economy of these United States

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The Truth About Amateur Porn

Of all of the terms bandied about in the wide world of online porn, the word 'amateur' is perhaps the most misused — and misunderstood. With roots stretching back to 'swingers' exchanging 'Polaroids®,' the face of amateur porn has changed over the past few years

Ayrora ·

State Porn Law Goes In Effect

A law goes into effect Jan. 1 that will require store owners to conceal adult entertainment content from the general public, although free speech advocates are already up in arms over the law's potential threat to the First Amendment


Usability Models for Porn Surfers?

Usability: it is an often misunderstood and overlooked factor in the layout and execution of adult websites, but one that must be courted and understood if profits are your goal.


Virtual Child Porn & The Adult Industry

Why should the adult Internet industry celebrate a victory for virtual child pornography? That question is currently being asked throughout the adult industry, and by detractors as well. It's therefore worthy of exploration.

Lawrence G. Walters ·

The Death of A Porn Star

There comes a time for many people in the adult entertainment business where they take a look inwards and decide that this type of life no longer holds any interest for them. Regardless of their reasons, there comes a day when they wake up and say "enough is enough." For Dawn Elizabeth, that day was yesterday:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Back to Business: The Porn Industry Begins Its Recovery

After a relatively subdued holiday season, the nation begins a slow recovery. There was relatively little news regarding pornography and sex-related businesses, but that will certainly change as the nation's state legislatures get back to work this month.

Frederick S. Lane III ·

From Marble Halls to Multiplexes: The Porn Industry in November 2001

In the post-September 11 world, our economy and our psyches remain unsettled, but the societal forces that shape the adult industry continue to roll along. Here are some of the more important developments for the industry that occurred during the month of November 2001.

Frederick S. Lane III ·

Do Marriages and Porn Mix?

Given a current message board thread, I'm now sure that I'm not the only one that has seriously questioned this issue; but I have a feeling that like other people who enter this biz looking for more money and a better lifestyle, I'm probably not the only one who has at least thought about mixing porn and marriage.

Ayrora ·

Too Much Free Porn?

I have publicly decried the glut of free porn available on the Internet, as well as the easy vehicle it provides to minor's. After much contemplation on the current state of the online adult entertainment business, as well as the most likely future scenarios, I stand before you today to tell you that I was wrong.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Porn TV

The inevitable merger of television, computing, and the Internet will take on many forms, some of which we can scarcely imagine. Just as Microsoft (among others) is nudging the market in that direction with its "Web TV" initiative, other plans are on the drawing board – and in stores in time for the Holiday's:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The War On Terrorism, and its Impact On Porn

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., I began contemplating the future of online Adult Entertainment, and what impact these events (if any) would have upon our business. Here are a few thoughts:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

So, You Want to Build A Porn Site...

Looking for riches in Cyberspace? Nothing sells quite like Sex, right? But what kind of a person does it take to be a "porn monger" ~ the answer just might surprise you!

Stephen Yagielowicz ·