
News & Articles
181 results:

Digital Playground Optimizes Site for Apple iPhone

Continuing its longtime commitment to high-tech gadgets and technology, Digital Playground has optimized its official website for Apple's iPhone.

Apple Opens iPhone App Store Today

Apple launched the online applications store for the iPhone several hours ahead of schedule today, opening up a new avenue for web developers everywhere to promote their products.

Can't Afford An iPhone?

Apple's iPhone has sent shockwaves across the adult and mainstream industries, but what is an enterprising techie to do if the hot gizmo is too expensive?

Apple Unveils 3G iPhone, Next-Gen Development Software

Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the new 3g iPhone, as well as a slew of new development applications and upgrades for the device including true GPS, improved talk time, faster data speeds and a markedly thinner handset.

AT&T Mulls Lower Price for Apple’s New 3G iPhone

If AT&T follows through on plans for a rumored reduction in the cost of the new 3G version of the iPhone, there will be a whole lot more potential customers for producers who make adult content for Apple's popular mobile platform.

Playboy Unveils iPhone-Compatible Version of Playboy.com

Playboy Enterprises has unveiled a new version of their flagship website Playboy.com that's optimized for Apple's iPhone.

Adobe Backs Away From Promise to Bring Flash Player to iPhone

Adobe systems appears to have backed away from a promise to develop a Flash-based media player for the Apple iPhone.

Adobe to Develop Flash-Based Media Player For Apple's iPhone

Adobe Systems will develop a Flash-based media player for Apple's iPhone despite Apple CEO Steve Jobs' concern that the software isn't ready for the device.

New Flexible Ebook Seeks to Compete With iPhone

Amazon unveiled a handheld, electronic book called the Kindle last November, and they've already got a competitor.


iPhone Gets Sexier

It's no secret that Americans are in love with Apple's iPhone, and that love affair may be getting deeper as an increasing number of consumers are using the device as their sex toy of choice.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

iPhone: The Newest Sex Toy

It's no secret that Americans are in love with Apple's iPhone – and that love affair may be getting deeper, as an increasing number of consumers are using the device as their sex toy of choice.

LoveHoney.co.uk Releases iPhone-Compatible Toy for Men

Ever since it was first released, consumers have been buzzing over Apple’s iPhone. Now it’s time for the iPhone to return the favor.


iPhone Redux

In an attempt to gain a fuller appreciation of the breakthrough technology that the iPhone represents, XBIZ World Magazine asked several industry players to weigh in on the iPhone.

XBIZ World Magazine ·

iPhone: More Upside Than Down

Being neither a smart phone enthusiast nor an Apple products buff, I fully expected to be unimpressed by the much-hyped iPhone.

Q Boyer ·

Eva Angelina Creates Webisodes for iPhone

Eva Angelina now is portable. Her web-only video series, “Fun With Eva Angelina,” previously only available on YouTube.com, is available for download onto iPods and iPhones.

Eroticy Launches Fall Promotion With iPhone Giveaway

Social networking provider Eroticy has launched its fall affiliate promotion with product giveaways and higher payouts.

Sin City Offers Free Trailers for iPhone

Sin City has jumped on the iPhone bandwagon, offering trailers and new behind-the-scenes footage for free download starting this week.

Playboy.com Launches iPlayboy for the iPhone

Playboy.com is jumping on the iPhone bandwagon with the launch of iPlayboy, a collection of downloadable items that can be installed into the new cellphone that goes on sale tomorrow.

Pulse Distribution Releases iPhone-ready Porn on PodDiscs

Pulse Distribution has released a limited series of PodDiscs, a technology that puts adult content directly onto iTunes without using a credit card or waiting for a download — what Pulse's Howard Levine told XBIZ is the easiest, fastest most private way to put porn on an iPhone.

Digital Playground Offers Trailers, Movies for iPhone

Digital Playground is offering 158 full-length trailers free of charge for immediate download on Apple's iPhone, which will be available to consumers on Friday.