
News & Articles
181 results:

New iPhone App Helps Parents Filter Adult Content

Apple's iPhone has been heralded as a next-gen delivery platform for adult content since its release, but now a tech company wants to help parents block porn on the device.

New Application Brings Cable TV to the iPhone

Cable TV is on its way to the iPhone by way of a new application.

Apple Rejects iPhone App for Using F-Word

Raising questions about its definition of "obscene," Apple's App Store has rejected a digital novel not for its sexual content, but because it uses a profane word. But a "not safe for work" section might be on the way.

Online Magazine HoundDog.com Unveils iPhone Version

HoundMag.com, an online adult and men's interest news magazine, has rolled out an iPhone-compatible version of its website.

Adult iPhone App Gets Apple Nod, Then Taken Down

Wallpaper Universe didn’t make it very long as an iPhone application. The software, which allows users to post photos of nude women as wallpaper, didn’t make it past the weekend after making its debut.

Apple Releases iPhone 2.2 Software Update

Apple has released iPhone 2.2 Software Update today, with improvements to Google street view and public transit and directions for pedestrians.

XGoes.mobi Joins Fight for Live Cam Dominance on iPhone

The race to deliver the first live adult content to the mighty Apple iPhone is on, and another player has entered the lineup.

Apple Rejects Opera Browser for iPhone

Because of the competition it would bring to its Safari web browser, Apple will not allow a version of the web browser Opera to be made available for the iPhone.

Google Earth iPhone Application Arrives

Despite the growing rivalry between Google and Apple, Google still wants to be seen on the competition's mobile device.

Apple's iPhone, Google's G1 Begin Battle for Mobile Supremacy

In the race for dominance of the future of mobile communications, Apple's iPhone and Google's G1 phone are the chief competitors. But which of the companies has the upper hand?

Tech Company Carmunity to Roll Out Browser-Based iPhone Chat at Venus Berlin

Mobile tech company Carmunity.com wants to make the iPhone more interactive, and they're using sex to do it.

Google Preps Its Answer to the iPhone

Google wants to take on the iPhone.

iPhone Presents Problems, Solutions for Video Delivery

Apple's iPhone is one of the hottest new toys to hit the market in years, but delivering video on the device remains tricky.

Application Turns iPhone Into an External Hard Drive

A cheap new application can turn an iPhone into a wireless hard drive.

CellSpin Launches iPhone Mobile Blogging Application

Apple’s iPhone can include another company on its long list of supporters — multimedia blogging platform CellSpin.

Private Gives Away Free iPhone Trailers

Private Media Group announced today that it would give away free content to iPhone users. The iPhone optimized video clips, photo sets and wallpapers are from Private’s vast catalog of titles, including the company’s latest releases.

New Company Converts Flash Videos to iPhone-ready Format

A new startup has unveiled a service that will convert Flash videos to an iPhone ready format.

Paysites Join Rush to Deliver Content Over iPhone

As soon as the tech media heralded Apple’s iPhone as the next great delivery platform for adult content, the iPhone-ready websites started coming.

iSwank Goes Live in Conjunction With iPhone

Content site iSwank.com went live Fri., July 11, in conjunction with the release of the new Apple 3G iPhones.

Literotica Launches iPhone-Optimized Site

Erotic fiction community Literotica has launched a new mobile website optimized for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch users that will let them read and rate any of Literotica's more than 150,000 submissions on their mobile devices.