WordPress Embraces iPhone
One of the great examples of convergent technologies of benefit to adult webmasters and in particular, operators of amateur adult websites, is the availability of the WordPress app for the iPhone.
OT Publishing Offers iPhone App Builder, Revenue Share
OT Publishing, the parent company of OTCash, is offering an iPhone App Builder and a revenue share opportunity to website operators.
iPhone Pulse: iTemplate
With all of the buzz surrounding the growth of the mobile adult marketplace and the iPhone's dominant role in it, many entrepreneurs are wondering how to get in on the action and how to turn new or existing content into their very own app.
CorbinFisher Launches Mobile Site for iPhone
The just-launched iPhone- and iPod Touch-formatted website makes all of Corbin Fisher's videos in a size specifically designed for downloads and viewing.
CyberAge Models on iPhone App
Online adult industry mainstay CyberAge has announced the release of its Models App for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Apple Tablet, iPhone 4.0 Expected to Debut Next Week
The Apple tablet computer and iPhone 4.0 are expected to be shown off next week at an invitation-only event in San Francisco.
Webbilling Adds iPhone Join Page
E.U. non-card payment leader Webbilling.com has added a specific join page for display to iPhone users.
2009's Top iPhone Business Apps
For many iPhone users, the device's extensibility through a wide range of applications (or "apps") is the phone's main appeal over its competitors.
iEva Hits iPhone App Store
skinworXXX co-owner and adult star Eva Angelina has unleashed her iPhone app on the Apple iTunes App Store.
Bing Brings Porn to iPhone
Move over adult mobile marketers, Microsoft is coming after your market share with the release of an iPhone app for its popular and porn friendly Bing search engine.
iPhone App Allows Users to Scratch Off Clothing
On The Go Girls has rolled out Sexy Scratch Off, claimed to be the first scratch-off clothing iPhone app.
Playboy Debuts iPhone App at $1.99 Per Issue
Playboy Enterprises has launched its official iPhone app, but there’s no nudity.
Playgirl Offers iPhone Application
Playgirl has announced a partnership with GrindhouseMobile.com to bring the hottest hunks of Playgirl to the iPhone, with the release of the official Playgirl Centerfold iPhone application.
An iPhone for Christmas
Well, it finally happened after all this time: last night, Santa Claus came a bit early and brought my lovely wife and I a pair of shiny new 32GB iPhone 3G S's
Grooby Teams With PureiPorn to Offer Downloads for iPhone
Grooby Productions and PureiPorn have teamed to launch GroobyMobile.com, featuring one-click purchasing of Grooby video clips for synching with iPhone and iPod Touch.
Adult Apps Come to iPhone, Bypass App Store
An obscure loophole in the Apple iPhone operating system has opened the door for adult apps on the industry-leading device.
iPhone Users Willing to Buy Content
A new report is shedding light on something that many adult operators have known for some time: iPhone users are willing to pay for content.
Swype Set to Challenge iPhone Onscreen Keyboard
A new technology is poised to challenge Apple's onscreen keyboard for speed and ease of use: Swype.
Droid vs. iPhone Comparison Highlights Strengths of Both Devices
After the launch of Motorola’s would-be iPhone killer Droid, tech experts are asking, which is better?