
News & Articles
50 results:

San Jose Libraries Consider Using Internet Filters

San Jose Councilman Pete Constant has asked the city to consider Internet filtering in the public libraries, citing several incidents involving lewd and lascivious behavior in which individuals were accessing sexually explicit content on the libraries’ computers.

U.K. Org Calls for More Filters to Be Installed on PCs

Britain's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is renewing its call for child safety software to be built into new computers after a test showed that major PC retailers did not offer parents programs to protect their children.

YouTube Rolls Out Antipiracy Filters

Google, operators of video-hosting site YouTube, revealed on Monday, a new filtering system that identifies pirated video as it is uploaded. However, content producers must provide Google with a copy of any video they want blocked off the site.

Australia Prime Minister Proposes Internet Filters

Saying "No single measure is foolproof," Australian Prime Minister John Howard called for a $190 million program to regulate access to content on the Internet in a speech to the Australian Christian Lobby.

Library Must Use Internet Filters or Risk Funding Cut

Rochester’s Central Library must use Internet filters to block potentially inappropriate or obscene materials from being viewed on computers or risk a funding cut by Monroe County.

AEE Report: Trade Crowd Filters in Before Fans

AEE kicked off Wednesday with its traditional trade-only opener. The show’s first day was closed to the general public to allow company representatives to network with buyers, media outlets and other industry members before the crush of the general public invaded the show floor.

Kids Finding Ways Around School Internet Filters

Despite the best efforts of schools to keep kids from viewing adult material online, crafty teenagers are finding ways to get their porn fix on school computers, according to a CNet news report.

University Task Force Opposes Porn Filters

A University of Texas System task force submitted recommendations opposing the use of pornography filtering technology to the school system’s chancellor this week, according to a statement released on the UT System’s website.

Phoenix Proposes Ban on Removing Web Filters

The Phoenix City Council is considering passing regulations that would make it illegal for adults to remove filters from public library computers that block access to some Internet sites. Mayor Phil Gordon plus most councilmembers reportedly want to take swift action on the measures.


Library Filters: Another Perspective

After reading my news article and opinions on the issue of filters in public libraries and the recent Supreme Court decision mandating their use, Doug from XYCash had quite a bit to say in response – and believing in equal time for dissenting opinions

Doug ·