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Federal Judge Blocks Utah's Social Media Filter Law

A federal judge in Utah has blocked the state’s controversial new Minor Protection in Social Media Act, which was set to go into effect Oct. 1.

Turkish Startup Launches 'Halal' Porn-Blocking Filter Kahf Guard

Turkish startup Halalz has released a new dedicated web browser and browser extension, Kahf Guard, which it says blocks 5.5 million sites Muslims consider “haram,” or forbidden, including adult content.

Alabama Republican's Persistent Campaign for Mandatory 'Porn Filters' Moves Forward in Legislature

The Alabama House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill aiming to force phone and computer manufacturers to install default “porn filters” on devices sold in the state.

Idaho Republicans Split About Proposed Porn Filter Mandate

Debate in the Idaho state Senate this week, over a copycat bill that would require device manufacturers to enable "pornography filters" on devices used by minors, divided members of the Republican supermajority, 12 of whom voted against the measure.

Iowa Republican Changes Porn Filter Bill Into Age Verification Bill After Learning More About Phones

The Republican legislator behind Iowa’s mandatory porn filter bill said that, after realizing that multinational electronics corporations were unlikely to alter phones and other devices to comply with one state law, he was turning his bill into yet another version of the age verification legislation being sponsored around the country by anti-porn religious conservative activists.

Utah's Leading Anti-Porn Crusader Proposes Jail Time Over 'Porn Filter' Activation

Utah’s leading anti-porn crusader, state Sen. Todd Weiler, has introduced a measure mandating prison time for any electronics manufacturer worldwide who fails to install and activate a default anti-porn filter on devices sold in the Mormon-majority state.

Italy to Roll Out 'Test' Adult Content Filter Mandate Next Week

Italy will begin enforcing a new, experimental directive from online regulators on Tuesday, requiring all phone providers to install a default filter for certain kinds of content, including all adult content, on SIM cards registered to minors.

Spain's Far-Right Vox Party Now Pushing for Mandatory 'Porn Filters'

Spain’s influential far-right Vox party has begun pushing the Madrid legislature to mandate default “porn filters” on devices accessible to minors.

Alabama House Passes Republican Rep's Utah Copycat 'Porn Filter' Bill

The Alabama House of Representatives last week approved a bill copying legislation passed in Utah in 2021, aiming to force phone and computer manufacturers to install default “porn filters” on devices sold in the state.

Anti-Porn Crusader Brags About Creating, Spreading 'Porn Filter' Legislation

The general counsel for anti-porn lobby NCOSE admitted to NBC news earlier this week that the organization is behind the state-by-state campaign to force all electronics manufacturers to install and activate “porn filters” on their devices.

Religious 'Porn Surveillance' Apps Return to Google Play

Six months after suspending two religious “porn surveillance” apps following a Wired magazine report exposing them as spyware, Google Play has quietly reinstated Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You on March 1st.

Wired Exposes Surveillance Apps Marketed as Religious 'Porn Filters'

Wired magazine has published an in-depth report about the secretive world of surveillance apps marketed as “porn filters” to churchgoers across America by faith-based corporations.

Council of Europe Urges Mandatory 'Porn Filters,' Endorses 'Porn Addiction' Myth

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the continent’s main post-World War II human rights organization, issued a resolution today urging European nations to mandate online filters for “pornographic materials” on all devices, to be “systematically activated in public spaces, such as schools, libraries and youth clubs.”

TikTok Using 'Porn Filters' to Censor Other Types of Controversial Content

German investigative journalists have obtained evidence from TikTok corroborating free speech advocates' claims that some platforms are using “porn filters” to target other controversial content involving issues like politics, human rights and LGBTQ+ expression.

U.K. Survey Shows Top 'Porn Filters' Also Blocking Non-Porn Content

A late-2021 U.K. survey of top parental control apps on Google Play found that practically all of them were blocking LGBTQ and sex-education sites as “adult content.”

Israel Weighs Turning on Porn Filters by Default

A panel of lawmakers in Israel has approved a bill requiring ISPs to block sexually explicit material by default.

McDonald's Now Filters Out Porn; Starbucks Next?

McDonald's restaurants in the U.S. have started filtering free Wi-Fi service to prevent customers from viewing porn in their restaurants.

Sky Broadband Switching On Porn Filters by Default

All new and existing Sky Broadband customers will be receiving an email soon asking if they want to turn their porn filters on.

E.U. Outlaws Porn Filters, U.K. Prime Minister Defiant

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron is outraged that the recent net neutrality laws passed by the European Parliament will outlaw his government-mandated porn filters, which block adult content by default on some ISPs unless consumers opt-out of them.

TalkTalk Clarifies Stance on Automatic Adult Content Filters

TalkTalk has issued a clarification about its adult content filters, stating that the customer still has to choose to apply said filters.