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Ofcom Report: Only 10% of New U.K. Users Choose Filters

New U.K. broadband users overwhelmingly want their online porn, according to a new communications regulator Ofcom report.

U.K. Porn Filters Censor 20% of Websites, Study Says

The parental filters of U.K. ISPs are blocking 20 percent of the 100,000 most-visited websites on broadband and mobile phone, according to the Open Rights Group. Even apparently is being blocked by six U.K. ISPs, as seen by a new tool released by the group.

JuicyAds Upgrades Mobile Filters, Targeting Technology

JuicyAds reported Tuesday that it is making upgrades in its mobile filters and targeting technology in an effort to expand access for advertisers and maximize ROI for publishers.

Philippines ISPs Ordered to Install Filters

The Philippines government today said it will require Internet service providers to install filters to block access to child pornography.

'Jerky' Smartphone Browser Lets Users Bypass U.K. Porn Filters

A new Android smartphone browser created to bypass the recently mandated U.K. opt-out porn filters is now available.

Chrome Browser Extension Lets Users Bypass U.K. Porn Filters

An extension for Google Chrome called “Go Away Cameron” — one that will work anywhere and with any websites that are blocked by firewall, universities, workplaces and nanny filters — has surfaced.

BBC: Porn Filters Block Sex-ed Sites

Porn filters used by the U.K.'s major ISPs are blocking sites offering sex education and advice on sexual health and porn addiction, the BBC reported Wednesday evening.

Affil4You Offers New Traffic Filters for Affiliates on Monday said that it is releasing a new suite of affiliate tools that give webmasters better access to data for fine-tuning marketing campaigns and improving revenue from existing traffic.

British ISP Makes Bold Statement Against Porn Filters

British ISP Andrews & Arnold has issued a statement saying that they will continue to offer unfiltered Internet access despite David Cameron’s wishes. Unhappy customers, they say, can “move to North Korea.”

Irish Communications Minister Voices Support for Porn Filters

Irish Minister of Communications Pat Rabbitte said he would be “quite happy” to consider establishing porn-blocking Internet filters

L.A. City Council Votes Against Library Porn Filters

The city of Los Angeles won't install filtering software to block porn on library computers, but instead will make the monitors more difficult to be seen by nearby children.

RIM Adds BlackBerry Porn Filters in Indonesia

Bowing to pressure from the Indonesian government, Research in Motion (RIM) is filtering porn from its BlackBerry devices.

China to Require Filters on New PCs July 1

The mandated software would allow the government to update computers with a regularly updated list of banned websites.

San Jose City Councilman Renews Fight for Filters on Library Computers

Porn will occupy the center of attention at a San Jose city council meeting on April 21.

Australians Plan Demonstrations Against Net Filters

"Our decisions regarding electronic media in Australia are becoming embarrassing," Eros Association CEO Fiona Patten told XBIZ.

Australia Ready to Test Web Filters

As many as 10,000 sites could be blocked.

N.J. Legislative Computers Get Porn Filters

In response to allegations that Assemblyman Neil Cohen (D-Union) possessed child pornography on a computer in his legislative office, lawmakers have ordered Internet filters installed on all legislative computers.

Study: Teens Find Ways to Access Porn Despite Net Filters

At a recent Brigham Young University conference experts warned parents that despite the installation of online porn filters, teenagers are finding ways to access adult content.

‘Deep Throat Fight Club’ Will Test Porn Filters

Open-source security software provider Untanglewill conduct a public test of six software filters designed to block adult content. The Deep Throat Fight Club contest will take place at San Francisco’s Thirsty Bear Brewing Company on April 9.


LA Times Drops Filters

I normally don’t pay too much attention to the inner-workings of newspapers, but I received an email today that touched upon an area that I am interested in: the politics of Internet filtering in the home, school and workplace

Stephen Yagielowicz ·