Hunter Thompson was not there, but the Dot-XXX session was every bit as macabre as anything he could have penned! Like a pinball machine that alternated between vitriolic, dark humor, politicians caught in a lie, and outright "just plain strange", this seminar was without a doubt the most surreal and difficult one I have moderated in the past 15 years of doing such at adult conferences and trade shows.
After much machination over who would moderate and speak on this hot-button panel, it all went down on April 2nd with a remarkable combination of industry execs, pundits, lawyers and ICM execs. Sort of like going to a fist fight and an opera broke out!
Take a peek. And listen carefully. It is rather enlightening and revealing....
Oh, the tapdance routines, potential fistfights and moments of dark comedy occur about every 11 minutes if you want to just scan through it!