Articles by Jackie Backman

Lilly Bell: From Blonde Ambition to XMA Gold

Blending Old Hollywood elegance with modern-day fire, Lilly Bell is a siren with silver-screen beauty and an insatiable thirst for pleasure. While her porcelain features and sultry allure may evoke the starlets of a bygone era, onscreen she’s anything but demure, captivating audiences with her magnetic presence and authenticity that sizzles in every performance.


Turning Virtual Cam Gifts Into Real-Life Earnings

As an entertainer, you deserve to be spoiled in every way. After all, you bring fantasies to life and please fans in ways they never knew were possible.

Jackie Backman ·

A Beginner's Guide to Body Paint for Cam Models

Body painting is an art that some performers use in their arsenal of tricks to get hearts racing and tips pouring in, but it can be a bit more intimidating than your basic makeup look.

Jackie Backman ·

How to Create Your Own Cam Model Blog

Have you ever thought about creating your own blog? The process may seem intimidating, especially if you don't have the money and resources to create your own site from scratch.

Jackie Backman ·

Tax Tips for Cam Models

Tax season can feel pretty overwhelming, especially if you’re a new cam model with no idea where to start. Do you have to report your camming income to the IRS? What qualifies as a business expense? Are the rules different because you are an independent contractor?

Jackie Backman ·

How to React When Fans Recognize You in Public

Many of the world’s most successful cam models rose to fame thanks in no small part to their adoring fans. However, one of the caveats of being adored by many is that there is always a chance someone will recognize you in public.

Jackie Backman ·

Kick Your Camming Career Into Overdrive

The thought of being a successful cam model with throngs of adoring fans can be enough to put stars in anyone’s eyes. But what do you do if your camming career isn’t taking off as quickly as you hoped?

Jackie Backman ·

Camming With a Cold

In a perfect world, you could take a day off from camming any time you're under the weather without having to worry about the toll it will take on your finances. Unfortunately, bills still need to be paid on time, and that doesn't always lend itself to resting when you need it the most.

Jackie Backman ·

Becoming a Paid Influencer for Brands on Social Media

The paid influencer life is something to which many people aspire in the age of social media. After all, who wouldn’t want to be handsomely compensated to promote products and post aesthetically pleasing content?

Jackie Backman ·

Targeting the Ideal Fan by Defining Their 'User Persona'

A “user persona” is basically who you imagine your fans to be. With a little focus and analysis, you can determine the main characteristic traits of your ideal target audience.

Jackie Backman ·

Sexual Health Tips for Camming

As cam models, your sexual health is vital to your overall well-being as it helps you feel your best and ensures you are healthy enough to keep working. Here are six easy ways to put your sexual health first.

Jackie Backman ·

Cam Tips for Mature Models

Mature cam models are like fine wine, only getting better and more luxurious with age. As a master of seduction, you have fans flocking to your room because you know just how to tempt and tease them into a state of complete ecstasy.

Jackie Backman ·

TikTok Tips for Cam Models

These days, TikTok ranks pretty high up on the list of guilty pleasures for many people.

Jackie Backman ·

How to Deal With Camming Burnout

The old saying goes that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. While this may hold true for many cam models who love the idea of meeting new people and working on their own schedule, there are still times when you may feel burnt out.

Jackie Backman ·

Self-Care Tips for Camming While Pregnant

Pregnant women are sexy. You may not always feel sexy, but there's a reason why a nude and very pregnant Demi Moore stopped the world with her Vanity Fair cover in 1991.

Jackie Backman ·

Your Room, Your Rules: Setting Boundaries for Cam Fans

Fans visit cam sites because they know it's a surefire way to make their hottest fantasies come true, any time the mood for pleasure strikes.

Jackie Backman ·

Sexy Holidays to Spice Up Your Camming Calendar

The old saying goes that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. And while work can’t always feel like a party, there are things you can do to make sure you have more good days than bad days.

Jackie Backman ·

How to Work Through a Bad Day While Camming

Cam models have the unique ability to make fans forget about their problems and escape into a virtual private island of pleasure, far from the cares and worries that stress them out in their everyday lives.

Jackie Backman ·

Covering Your Bases With Multiple Revenue Streams as a Creator

Cam modeling can be an alluring endeavor if you like the idea of creating your own schedule and earning money just for being your sexy self.

Jackie Backman ·

Cam Glam Made Easy: Winter 2020’s Top Trends

Creative expression is a big part of camming, and makeup is just one thing models use to showcase their style.

Jackie Backman ·
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