Articles by Carly S.


How to Incorporate Current Trends Into Store Displays

Ever walk into a store and get stopped dead in your tracks by an attention-grabbing display? Maybe it’s the pop of color, or perhaps it’s the design you love. Whatever the reason, in-store displays can grab customers’ attention and even drive sales and foot traffic to your store. But how do you create displays that surprise and hook your audience?

Carly S. ·

Biird Founder Andrea Rey Steers Brand's Rise Into the Pleasure Stratosphere

Netherlands-based pleasure brand Biird’s founder, Andrea Rey, first wandered into the industry when she landed a gig with a major manufacturer. There, she gained firsthand experience that would shape the course of her career.

Carly S. ·

A Deep Dive Into 'Shallowing' Sex Toys

The term “Shallowing” refers to engaging only in shallow penetration of the vagina, and/or stimulating the vaginal opening and the few centimeters inside of it, rather than deeper penetration and trying to stimulate the G-spot or A-spot.

Carly S. ·

Tips for Leveraging Customer Behavior to Boost Upsells

You’re at a fast-food place, ready to order a cheeseburger, when suddenly the cashier reels you in with a brilliant suggestion: Why not add fries and a drink for only a few extra bucks? That’s upselling: a common sales technique where a seller encourages a customer to purchase additional items or upgrades to enhance their original purchase.

Carly S. ·

How to Sell Shoppers on Water-Friendly Toys

From soothing self-care in the bath to the invigorating spray of a shower, water can introduce new dimensions of pleasure, unlock unique sensations and provide a sensual backdrop for intimate exploration.

Carly S. ·

Selling Tactile Stimulation With Textured Toys

Tactile stimulation plays a pivotal role in elevating intimate encounters. As consumers recognize and explore the link between diverse, expansive sensory engagement and enhanced pleasure, we are seeing a shift toward products that go beyond basic functionality.

Carly S. ·

How to Boost Holiday Sales With Winter-Themed Sensual Products

In the world of pleasure, even the winter frost can ignite new desires. Help your customers uncover those desires, satisfy their curiosity and burn the candle of romance even brighter with winter-themed seasonal novelties and sensual products.

Carly S. ·

Retailer Tips for Launching Teasers and Pre-Holiday Promotions

With the holidays quickly approaching, stores everywhere are working to infuse their seasonal messaging with creativity, engagement and anticipation. That means it’s time to get inspired, whip up some holiday magic and craft a marketing strategy that resonates with diverse audiences.

Carly S. ·

Tips for Boosting Retail Sales With Products for Outdoor Intimacy

September is a time of transition, where we bid farewell to the carefree days of summer and prepare for the fall. That makes it a perfect time to help your customers step outside, breathe in some refreshing air and experience an increasingly popular trend: outdoor intimacy.

Carly S. ·

Tips for Sourcing Valuable Product Reviews, Driving Sales

The truth is, online product reviews are one of your most underrated ecommerce tools for generating revenue and converting sales. In fact, online reviews can be even more important than brand loyalty, free shipping, product quality or even price.

Carly S. ·

Why Maintaining an Active Blog Is Helpful for Retail Business

In this age of constant competition, it’s important to make your brand stand out, which is why maintaining a business blog is an important part of any marketing strategy. It’s a good way to reach current and potential customers, no matter the type or size of your business.

Carly S. ·

Why Consumers Are Buzzing Over Grinding Toys, Accessories

Many people started their sexual exploration by humping or grinding. It’s so natural for humans to hump and grind without even thinking about it, it’s almost second nature. Toddlers will dry-hump just about anything and anyone; it’s all completely normal and an important step in early development.

Carly S. ·

How to Recession-Proof Your Retail Business

Recessions are more common than most people realize. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the U.S. has experienced 12 recessions since World War II. That’s an average of one every six years, so being prepared is always a good idea.

Carly S. ·

Why Pleasure Product Manufacturers Should Stop Gendering Sex Toys

The pleasure products industry has traditionally organized toys by gender, with clearly defined men’s and women’s sections. In recent years, though, the industry has become more progressive and inclusive.

Carly S. ·