The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up
The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.
The XBIZ Weekly Tech Watch
This week's tech watch includes more grim signs that the Web 2.0 bubble has burst, while other pundits speculate about the Internet's role in electing Barack Obama.
Election 2008: An Online Adult Industry Perspective
Less than 24 hours after Sen. John McCain's concession speech, the online adult entertainment industry is reacting to America's choice of Barack Obama as its new president elect.
Reducing Chargebacks
While entirely eliminating chargebacks is not possible, reducing and managing your chargeback rate is possible, and boils down to adhering to business practices that are good for your company's overall health.
After the Sale
Without a sale no company can earn revenue; but for many adult affiliate programs, the actual sale is only the starting point of a more complicated and lucrative monetization process.
Defining the Body Politic
The call is out to rouse the adult entertainment industry from its presumed slumber in an effort to encourage (and influence) active participation in the upcoming election.
The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up
Intro: The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.
The XBIZ Weekly Tech Watch
This week's tech watch brings good news for the open-source community, a slew of new toys for iPhone fans, and a look at an electric car.
The Election, the Supreme Court and Adult
Whether the next American president will be Republican John McCain or Democrat Barack Obama, there is a very strong possibility that he will be nominating at least one — if not two — justices for the U.S. Supreme Court.
An Elephant or a Jackass?
Politics and porn — the two go hand-in-hand despite the seemingly contradictory nature of these two endeavors: after all, both are meant to make consumers "feel good."
Legal Scholar Frederick Lane to Discuss Election
Constitutional scholar, attorney, and noted historical political analyst, Frederick Lane, will hold a lecture next month on the 2008 election, the Supreme Court, and church-state issues.
Surfers Encouraged to Report Websites
The U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has launched an awareness campaign designed to educate the public about reporting "illegal" websites.
America at a Crossroads
Our country is now just days away from what is likely to be one of the most important presidential elections in our nation's history. For adult entertainment businesses, I believe, the stakes could not be greater.
It's easy to fall into a dichotomous view of the politics of porn wherein Republicans represent would-be censors intent on banning porn, and Democrats are champions of free speech, under whose auspices the adult Internet industry blossomed into its current form.
Pushing the Envelope
They come in droves. Young, hungry and naïve, the new breed of porn stars aren't really "stars" at all, but rather girls attracted to the porn industry for its promise of a quick, easy buck.
The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up
The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.
The XBIZ Weekly Tech Watch
This week's Tech Watch brings news of a slew of great new applications for the iPhone and Google's Android operating systems, as well as loads of new toys and gizmos.
Politics: It's Time for a Mature Industry
While not everyone can or should run for a position in their state House of Representatives or Senate like I've done, there is no shortage of opportunities to make a positive contribution.
Top 10 Lawmakers Influencing Adult
Politicians today find the adult battlefield a convenient ground to fight on — a good way to convince your voters that you care — without really doing anything controversial.
The Electoral Impact
Recently, XBIZ World Magazine asked several adult industry players "How will the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election impact your business, if at all?" Here's what they had to say: