The XBIZ Weekly Tech Watch
The first Tech Watch of the new year brings word of a slew of new iPhone apps, as well as an important security update.
XBIZ President Alec Helmy, Gill Sperlein of Titan Media Join FSC as Board Members
The Free Speech Coalition has tapped two new members to its eight-member board of directors, XBIZ President and founder Alec Helmy and Titan Media attorney Gill Sperlein.
Post Bush or More of the Same?
In spite of the exhilarating election of a new young president, the industry continues to face great upheaval and the realization can no longer be denied by anyone that business will return to what it was before.
Is Content Still King?
What can be said about content these days? Surely it's the foundation on which every paysite is based, so yes, content is and remains King. But for how long?
Adult Web Operators See Opportunity in 2009
Despite a global economic crisis, governmental transition team uncertainties and the ever-present challenges of tube sites and more, many adult operators see hope in the coming year ahead.
A Look Back, A Look Ahead
As 2008 comes to a close, and with it, the Republican administration of George Bush, there is a measured feeling of hope and optimism within the online adult entertainment industry.
2008's Biggest Business Influences
Recently, XBIZ World Magazine asked several industry players "What was the most important factor to influence your business this year?"
An Obama Mandate?
The most important question after the election is, "What kind of a mandate was Obama granted by the people to move forward?"
Report: Movie-Style Age Ratings Coming to Websites
The British government is asking President-elect Barack Obama to help it bring the online version of movie ratings to the English-speaking web.
VCX’s ‘Angel Face’ Nominated for XBIZ Award
VCX has received an XBIZ Feature Movie of the Year Award nomination for “Angel Face.”
The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up
The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.
Recession 2008 and the Adult Industry
This year has seen no shortage of turmoil on Wall Street and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has continued to plummet despite the financial bailout package that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush.
The Top Ten Lawmakers Influencing Online Adult Content
Although the adult webmaster can make a good living through entertaining online patrons with steamy content, it’s important to remember that there are lawmakers who make their living by fighting against the same. The movement to ban or tax online adult content has its roots in morality, greed and plain old political expediency. Politicians today find the adult battlefield a convenient ground to fight on — a good way to convince your voters that you care — without really doing anything controversial. The fight against immorality has been going on since this nation was founded. Things haven’t changed, but the backdrop now includes the Internet. This list represents a sample of the current forces that have sought to ban salacious content for ages. Among these 10 politicians are genuine moralists, hypocrites and pure politicians.
Obama's Victory and the Adult Industry
Barack Obama's supporters within the adult industry hope there will be a major shift in the priorities of the U.S. Department of Justice, including a cessation of federal obscenity prosecutions and the appointment of liberal judges to the federal bench.
Mixing it Up
Adult retail has undergone a major metamorphosis, a fact we're all well aware of and, from a consumer's point of view, something we're all very grateful for. The “couples-friendly” movement brought adult stores out of the dark, spurred major retail facelifts across the country, and forced company owners to analyze their market share and determine whether their product stock is relative to their target customer demographic.
AdultContent.nl Nominated for XBIZ Award
AdultContent.nl has announced its XBIZ nomination for Best Content Provider.
Stripping For Success
When Bob Dylan wrote the legendary lyric, “The times, they are a’changin’” so many decades ago, little did the genius from Minnesota know that his catch-all lyric could one day be applied to the world of adult stars and the enterprise of feature dancing. But yes indeed, along with virtually every other aspect of our society, now that realm is experiencing changes due to economic pressures.
Adult Content Distribution
Cable, satellite, hotel, video-on-demand, pay-per-view, fiber optic delivery, IPTV, mobile and handheld device platforms — all of these distribution platforms present potentially lucrative mediums.
Being on Center Stage
Does being a performer give some agents a leg up? After surveying some performers-turned-agents, there is no denying being in front of the camera gives an agent an advanced skill set on booking talent and managing their clients – they’ve been there, done that. Agents like Derek Hay and Lisa Ann are familiar with the everyday struggles talent go through, which they feel make it easier to relate to their charges. Here’s what several prominent performers and agents had to say.
Step Into The Arena
Being a talent agent in the adult industry is very similar to being a boxer. You need to constantly defend your title, flex your muscles and train (well, in this case work) hard. For many years there were only a handful of agencies monopolizing the industry, chiefly Jim South’s World Modeling. But as in any competitive and lucrative business, people see the ability to earn a living and more talent agencies have cropped up within the last few years. This is a profile of eight of the more prominent and growing concerns that manage some of the best talent in the business.