News & Articles
6712 results:

The Mainstreaming of BDSM Gear

What do you imagine of when you think of bondage? “Whips, chains, leather, scary, David Carradine” — these are some of the responses Todd Carter, director of sales and marketing at Sportsheets, has heard from retailers when discussing the marketing of his company’s sexual positioning products.

Ariana Rodriguez ·

The Doc Is In

Doc Johnson makes it its policy to keep up with the Joneses, even if that sometimes means keeping up with itself.

Bob Preston ·

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

Google the phrase “herbal sex supplements” and you’ll likely come away with more questions than answers from the more than 500,000 results.

Michael Hayes ·

Mom and Pop Shops

In today’s adult toy market, companies with a small number of employees can carve out their own niche and thrive in the competitive market, operating from anywhere in the U.S., not just the major population hubs. We spoke with some 21st century entrepreneurs about their businesses and found some surprises.

Tod Hunter ·

In Review: 'Porn @ Work'

In his book "Porn @ Work," author Michael Leahy tackles the effects and implications associated with accessing adult material in the workplace — via technological innovations embraced by the online adult industry — and the sexual addiction it fuels.

Ariana Rodriguez ·

Honey's Place, It's All About Customer Service

Ask Honey’s Place President Bonnie Feingold why Honey’s Place continues to remain successful, and she is direct: “It’s customer service. Every customer, large or small, is treated extremely well.”

Tod Hunter ·

Dial R for Rumors

When it comes to lubricants, more and more health conscious people are thinking about its ingredients as opposed to solely how effective the product is. It is, after all, entering a vulnerable area of the body — the inside. In the last half decade, rumors have been floating around online questioning the safety of glycerin and parabens as ingredients.

Nathan Norco ·

The Emperor Strikes Back

In last month’s issue of XBIZ Premiere, we presented part one of our exclusive interview with Evil Angel founder, gonzo pioneer and entrepreneur extraordinaire John Stagliano.

Arch Stanton ·

Ruminations on Testing, Performer Safety

With the news breaking in early June that a performer had tested HIV positive, the industry’s omnipresent gossip mill began to churn. Since AIM Healthcare changed its policy and didn’t release the women’s name to the industry at large — or the names of the performers under quarantine that she worked with — speculation spread fast.

Steve Javors ·

XBIZ Signs On as Media Sponsor for Exxxotica New York

“We’ve forever held our events to a very high standard, and we are happy to work with another organization that obviously does the same," Exxxotica Expo Director J. Handy said.


Third-Party Record Keepers Beware

In addition to '2257, there are two federal statutes of which aspiring third-party record keepers need to be aware.

Clyde DeWitt ·

Tool Tips: DiskDigger

Two of the biggest challenges faced by all computer users are recovering accidentally deleted files, and ensuring that purposefully deleted files actually remain deleted.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Two Websites are Better Than One

A recent experience prompts me to write these words of warning: we who make our living from the adult entertainment industry must be extra vigilant when it comes to securing our Internet assets.

Carlos Sanchez ·

The B Word

Without question, we are in the midst of one of the worst global economic meltdowns of the last hundred years. Few industry sectors have been spared, including the adult entertainment sector, which until now had been considered by many industry experts to be recession-proof.

David Adelman ·

Rapper Imprisoned for Song Lyrics

In a case with profound First Amendment implications, a Florida rapper is going to jail for two years because of the words he sang in a song.


Jism Schism

The worm has turned. Even companies that dominate their sectors are at pains to maintain the illusion of business as usual.

Tom Hymes ·

Sexlets Gum Enters Male Enhancement Arena

The latest entrant in the male sexual enhancement category is Sexlets Gum via Future Lifestyles LLC.


Penile Implants

It's kind of like a horror movie. Invasion of the Implants. Penises in porn are getting noticeably smaller and decidedly more flaccid than they used to be... despite the many enhancers and enlargers now available to the vertically-challenged.

Tom Hymes ·

Ask Me No Questions...

It was Austrian logician Kurt Gödel who put his finger on something we all already know: You can't prove a system from within a system.

D. Spink ·

The State of Adult Content Piracy

Anyone who makes a living creating or selling adult movies understands the impact of piracy. Recently, another gay studio announced it is going out of business. It cannot compete with the massive amount of free available content.

D. Gill Sperlein ·