News & Articles
6712 results:

XBIZ.net Now Offering SiN2.0 Adult Webmaster Podcasts

As part of a partnership, the SiN2.0 podcast player is now available on XBIZ.net and SiN2.0 members can access up-to-date industry news via a homepage widget.


Old School Meets New in Gay Adult Retail

The ever-evolving retail market is changing at such a rapid pace that tracking the latest micro-blip in consumer tastes is virtually impossible. It can be tricky enough for a brick-and-mortar retailer to keep pace with its overall consumer base, much less the interests of a sub-niche.

JC Adams ·

Gay Adult Retail

The ever-evolving retail market is changing at such a rapid pace that tracking the latest micro-blip in consumer tastes is virtually impossible.

JC Adams ·

Mom & Pop Retailers Face the Economy

The economic fallout extends in the U.S. adult industry from the largest production companies to the smallest mom and pop retail operations. XBIZ spoke to small retailers across the country to see how they are dealing with the economic situation: Are they making changes in inventory, what kind of advertising and promotion do they do and is business increasing or declining?

Tod Hunter ·

Getting My Product on the Shelves

Getting a product from idea, through design, to patent and to market is a daunting task, especially for a first-timer, and it took me six years to do it,” said Dawn Tulman, president of discreet storage developer ToiBocks.

Anne Winter ·

Inside the Head of an Adult Store Buyer

Being responsible for stocking a store with the newest, latest and greatest products balanced with the tried and true best sellers is not an easy task, especially with the glut of product on the market today. Retail chains alter their inventories constantly to keep up with customer demand, and it’s up to their buyers to decide what to order and what to pass on. Many rely on traditional research methods — reading the trades, attending trade shows — while others incorporate social networking and technology into their departments’ research methods.

Anne Winter ·

Coming Together

It’s said that from acorns mighty oaks grow. Similarly, from small ideas, big results can be achieved. Such is the case for the Adult Merchant Exchange, a peer group for retailers, wholesalers and adult studios that has expanded and grown since its inception in 2007. What began as a small group comprised of five or six independent retailers has ballooned to include all sectors of the adult DVD supply chain.

Steve Javors ·

Move Over DOJ, It's FTC's Turn to Regulate

The adult entertainment industry breathed a collective sigh of relief last November with the election of Barack Obama.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

Maximizing Every Square Foot

With the recession and innovations in technology affecting the ways consumers shop, traditional brick-and-mortar adult retail stores not only are offering more of a variety of products at different price points, but also are employing new store layout methods and marketing techniques, mixed in with the customary, in order to attract visitors and “flow” them throughout the store.

Adriana Rosales ·

The RapidShare Ruling

The gap of understanding between "free culture" open file sharing advocates and content producers intent on maintaining the value of their work product continues to widen.

Stewart Tongue ·

XBIZ Founder Alec Helmy to Host Webmaster Access Europe Finale Sessions

XBIZ founder Alec Helmy has been slated to host Webmaster Access Europe’s finale sessions — one on monetizing traffic, the other on billing.


Sex, Lies & Children

A favorite trick of the censors in this country is to blur the lines between protected speech, in the form of adult erotica on the one hand, with patently illegal material, in the form of child pornography on the other, by mixing the two at every opportunity.

Lawrence G. Walters, Esq. ·

Cross-Cultural Marketing Made Easy

Many marketers — both mainstream and adult — just don't "get it" when it comes to serving the needs and catering to the sensibilities of a global audience.

Ayrora Temple ·

Foreign-Language Erotica

More adult websites are published in English than in any other language, but that doesn't mean that other languages are not important to the adult entertainment industry.

Alex Henderson ·

XBIZ.com Reveals Updated Homepage

XBIZ.com today has introduced an updated homepage that will allow for an expansion of news and feature articles, while keeping the site’s core characteristics intact.

Adult Safe List Offers Validation Service

Adult Safe List has announced the launch of its new technology platform, designed to promote trusted e-commerce transactions on adult oriented websites.


U.S. Online Gambling Soon May Be Legalized

It's not yet law. It's not yet even a bill out of congressional committee. And you shouldn't get your hopes up quite yet. But yes, legal online gambling, a privileged indulgence allowed most of the citizens of the free world, may soon at last be permitted to the people in the land of the free.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

A Short Track to (URL) Failure

New concerns are being raised about the long-term viability of one of today’s most popular web-based service categories: URL shortening schemes.


Adventures in Servertude

Regardless of how the economy is treating you for better or worse, it behooves all adult operators to periodically evaluate their infrastructure and its suitability to today's needs.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Toy Me Up, Toy Me Down

The TitanMen Wreckd’em. The Rascal Ass Rod Anal Training Kit. The COLT 14-inch Thruster. They may be known in gay-biz parlance as “novelties” or “toys” but these gay adult-branded tangibles are serious business — and they are definitely meant for men.

JC Adams ·