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NETbilling Highlights New VISA Trial Subscription Rules

NETbilling is offering guidance on VISA's revised rules applying to merchants offering free or introductory trials that roll into recurring subscription fees.


How Visa Is Out to Protect Merchants

Visa Resolve Online (VROL) protects merchants against unnecessary chargebacks by providing pre-dispute safeguards and workflow-based coverage of all disputes to help manage and resolve them far more efficiently.

Jonathan Corona ·

Experts Warn Adult Merchants of New Visa Chargeback Thresholds

Beginning October 1, online businesses accepting Visa cards will have to comply with stricter anti-fraud regulations, warn experts in the field.


Seizing Recurring Payments Opportunities With Visa

New regulation is rarely a good thing, but Visa has made some recent changes that could really impact your bottom line in a good way. In the newest wave of changes, Visa is revitalizing how they interpret and process for recurring transactions relating to stored credentials.

Jonathan Corona ·

DIMOCO Whitepaper Details New Visa Processing Rule Changes

DIMOCO has announced the release of a new white paper providing a comprehensive overview on upcoming changes to Visa’s payment processing program.


Visa Cracks Down on ‘Shell’ Billing Firms

There was a time not so long ago when website operators created billing companies in favorable jurisdictions, whose sole purpose was to bill customers for services provided by the operator and remit the settled funds to the operator.

Lawrence G Walters ·

Mobius Payments Supports Verified By Visa

On October 1 the major credit card companies — MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express — began shifting liability for credit card fraud to merchants that are not EMV-compliant.


New Technology, VAT Rules are the Focus of Billing in 2015

As adult entertainment continues to evolve, so do the methods in which consumers pay for it. 2015 is shaping up to be an interesting year for adult billing, and major trends to watch out for in the new year range from new VAT regulations in the E.U. to chip-and-PIN technology making its long-awaited debut in the U.S.

Alex Henderson ·

$5.7B Visa, MasterCard Settlement Approved

Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc. won approval today for an estimated $5.7 billion settlement over allegations that swipe fees were improperly fixed. Small businesses stand to benefit, including online adult websites, which are prime plaintiffs given the volume of credit card purchases.

Visa Improves Payment Card Fraud Detection

Visa has unveiled a series of improvements to its payment detection system that significantly enhance the ability of its global processing network to detect potential electronic payments fraud.

Hearing Next Week for Final Approval of $7.25B Visa/MC Settlement

The $7.25 billion settlement reached in July 2012 to end a class-action lawsuit over credit card transaction fees has crossed over an important hurdle for payouts.

Visa, MasterCard Taking Action Against VPN Providers

MasterCard and Visa reportedly have now started to take action against virtual private network providers in an apparent move to target websites that could be linked to copyright infringement.

Visa Confirms Online Adult Processing Rumor Is False

Visa Inc. on Thursday squelched rumors that it plans to stop processing online adult entertainment-related transactions, saying that statements circulating over the assertion are simply "not true."

Online Adult Companies Stand to Benefit From $7.25B Visa/MC Settlement

Online adult companies will be among those that benefit after Visa, MasterCard and major banks agreed to a $7.25 billion settlement reached today.

MasterCard, Visa Data Theft Described as 'Massive'

Visa and MasterCard are warning U.S. banks that details of credit card holders' personal information could be at risk after a security breach involving some 10 million accounts.

Visa, MasterCard Class-Action Suit Could Yield Billions

Online adult companies could benefit from antitrust litigation started more than six years ago over payment card interchange fees.


Visa Issues New Rules for Upselling

Visa released new requirements regarding high-risk transactions and this affects you! I constantly hear that one of the benefits to working with an IPSP is that you can cross sell with other sponsored merchants. As this was never the intent of Visa they have revised their operating regulations to make it explicitly clear what constitutes a crosssell/upsell and what has to happen on this type of transaction.

Melody L ·

Top Payment Providers Squeeze Online Pirates

Visa, MasterCard, London police and the international recording industry have teamed up to tackle illegal online services that sell unlicensed music.

Visa: ePassporte Suspension Due to Program Deficiencies

Visa has released a statement saying that it blocked network access for prepaid cards issued by St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank and operated by to address certain program deficiencies.

ePassporte Banking Partner’s Visa Program Is Suspended

ePassporte said Thursday that its banking partner’s Visa program has been suspended.