
News & Articles
316 results:

Porn Search Engine Launches

A new search engine launched today humorously titled with the intention of not only spoofing its mainstream rival, but also functioning as an industry search site


Search Engines For Newbies

Search Engines are the absolute most common way to find anything and everything on the planet. Become a pro on the engines and you can retire to Bali and live with beautiful naked women

Jo Hawke ·

Pay Search Results Prove Lucrative

Paid search advertising is proving to be one of the most lucrative markets for search engine companies and online advertisers by delivering sound search results to the consumer, and high-quality, qualified traffic to the advertiser


Search Engine Gold: 2

Keyword research is a cornerstone of building a successful online business. This step is possibly the most important lesson in this tutorial, and the most important step to get right if you want to succeed. Follow along and learn how to do it right


Search Engine Gold: 1

At the recent “Internext Expo” adult webmasters conference in Florida, Morgan decided to take it upon himself to evaluate the level of “search engine” awareness that exists within the adult webmaster community. The results of his study were more surprising


Search Engine Cloaking

If you're a cloaker, you will most probably get caught, reported, banned, whatever. The real question is, is it worth the effort? Since people don't like to share their secrets, here are some edgy tips and tricks that newbie cloakers can play around with

Jon ·

Search Engine Tips

Search engine traffic has always been some of the best traffic that is available for absolutely nothing from your side; but for some reason many webmasters are struggling with it... So this last month, X-Man dedicated himself to reading as many articles about search engine listings as he could

X-Man ·

Top Five Search Engine Marketing Myths

It’s no secret that Search Engine marketing can drive significant amounts of very qualified traffic to a web site,­ as 85% of Internet users utilize search engines to find or research goods and services. The problem for many companies is the difficulty they face

Lee Traupel ·

Google Search Engine Optimization: Why Google Is Important

As the Internet's most important search engine and one of the few remaining viable indexes of adult content, Google is now the number one target for adult webmasters everywhere.

David Wolf ·

Search Engine Optimization: Gateways & Doorways

In my previous article, I showed you how to create a network of relevant links using 'Mirror Sites,' all with similar content, which the spiders can follow and index, thus ranking your Website higher. The same idea is behind doorway and gateway pages. Different people have different definitions, but these are the ones I am used to:

Lopix ·

Search Engine Optimization: Mirror Sites

Since I have heard a lot of talk about mirror sites on the boards, as well as questions about doorway pages and gateway pages and what is a good search engine plan, I thought it time to put some ideas down on paper. I hope this helps those out there who have never gone after the search engines before.

Lopix ·

Getting Listed With Search Engines

Unlike most articles on search engines this has nothing to do with meta tags. Instead we are going to discuss the rights and wrongs of redirects. The use of redirects in Adult Websites is very popular, but just how many people are using them the right way?

Mark Jervis ·

Search Engines 102: Another Look at Frames

The traditional wisdom when it comes to using 'frames' on pages that you wish to submit to the Search Engines is "DON'T!" Of course, the 'traditional wisdom' of many design gurus when they discuss the use of frames is also "DON'T!" Not being a traditionalist — in point of fact, I do fancy myself as quite a little rule-breaker...

Elizabeth ·

Search Engines 101

Getting profitable, high-quality traffic from the Search Engines is not as hard as some people think (or want you to believe) it is. In this first part of my new series, I'll show you the two biggest factors to getting a decent listing:

Elizabeth ·

Working with Pay Per Click Search Engines 2

In my last article I briefly covered some of the reasons you may wish to use Pay Per Click Search engines to help increase your traffic flow. This article will delve a bit deeper into some of the techniques you can use to get the most of your PPC dollars.

Mark Farlow ·

Working with Pay Per Click Search Engines

While most folks are familiar with Search Engines, many are not aware that quite a few of the listings are being generated by paying advertisers. In this article I attempt to explain pay-per-click search engines and how they could benefit you as a Webmaster.

Mark Farlow ·