iPhone Users Have Most Sexual Partners, Study Says
Your cellphone might define your sex life. That's what a study by dating site OKCupid infers in its study of 9,785 users.
Netsol Offers DomainStorm iPhone App
Internet marketers have a hot new tool available for selecting and registering domain names, with the release of Network Solutions' DomainStorm app.
Security Breach Via PDF Gives Complete Access to iPhone
Warning if you own an iPhone, iPad Touch or an iPad with iOS4: Be careful downloading PDFs from Safari, including the ones that automatically load up.
iPhone 4 Offers New Chat Opportunities for Adult
With the launch of the iPhone 4, adult companies wasted no time in taking advantage of the phone’s videoconference feature, developing video-sex chat services.
New iPhone Live Cam Service Launched
Adult mobile company Spankmo Mobile is pleased to announce the launch of its iPhone live cam solution.
Consumer Reports Flunks Apple's iPhone 4
Apple's iPhone 4 could see a slowdown of sales after Consumer Reports ripped the new smartphone, claiming it can't recommend it because of the device's antenna issues.
NETbilling Launches iPhone App
NETbilling has launched its Virtual Terminal App, giving clients the ability to process credit cards through the NETbilling payment gateway directly from an iPhone or iPad.
iPhone Pulse: Bridging the Gap
With all of the options unfolding in the mobile marketplace, adult entrepreneurs are seeking answers to the basic question of what type of mobile presence they should be investing in developing — both for today’s market realities and beyond.
Apple to Fix iPhone 4 Reception With Updated Software
Apple released a public statement regarding user complaints of reception issues on the iPhone 4, saying that the issue is simply a software one relating to how the number of bars of signal strength displayed is calculated.
Is There a Fix for iPhone 4 Reception?
With customers complaining about reception issues with the iPhone 4, there is a new report that suggests a possible fix for the problem.
Apple's Jobs: You're Holding the iPhone 4 Wrong
The highly anticipated iPhone 4 has finally hit the market, but not without some glitches.
Apple Unveils iPhone 4
iPhone 4 was officially rolled out Monday, offering a number of refinements that are certain to please its large and expanding base of customers.
CC Media Network Launches Adult Live Video Chat for iPhone
CC Media Network, operator of a live video chat network, is set to launch a live adult service that works on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices.
Twitter Launches Its 1st Official iPhone App
Twitter has launched its own iPhone app using the former app called Tweetie.
XXXPhoneApps.com Offers IPhone Porn Apps
XXXPhoneApps.com is offering porn apps for the iPhone platform.
Apple Facing Antitrust Inquiry Over iPhone Software
Apple may soon be the target of a federal antitrust inquiry regarding the company’s policy on software applications.
Apple Faces ‘Moral Responsibility’ for iPhone Porn
Adult operators hoping for a thaw in iTunes content policies will find no encouragement as Apple’s Steve Jobs reportedly states his belief that the company has a “moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone.”
Gizmodo Says It Has the Skinny on iPhone 4G
Gizmodo says it has disassembled a purported next-generation iPhone after it was found at a bar, finding it thinner and slightly heavier but loaded with bells and whistles that should titillate its fans.
Opera Mini for iPhone Allows Much Faster Surfing
An app from Opera that promises faster surfing on the iPhone and iPod Touch got the green light from the Apple store Tuesday.