
News & Articles
105 results:

Celebrity Porn Scandal Rages in India

A Bollywood screen queen facing prosecution for allegedly appearing in an adult video gained a reprieve after a forensic lab said was not the woman in the video. However, autorities insist it is her.

India Obscenity Arrest Sparks Global Uproar

With more American companies increasingly turning to India for e-commerce opportunities, the arrest of an eBay unit’s executive over a porn video for sale on his company’s website has caused an international stir and debate about the country's strict obscenity laws.


Adult Webmastering In India: Part 2

In the first installment of this series, we looked at the legal, political, infrastructure and marketing issues that our industry faces on the Indian subcontinent. In today's conclusion, we'll take a look at the challenges and opportunities facing adult Webmasters in India:

IndianBoy ·

Adult Webmastering In India: Part 1

With a booming economy and a population second only to China's, India is a widely untapped market for adult Webmasters. India also possesses a highly trained technical workforce opening the possibility of exporting, as well as importing, online adult entertainment. Here to discuss the relevant issues, challenges and opportunities this market offers is XBiz' own "Indianboy..."

IndianBoy ·

India Cracks Down On Porn

City government in Bombay has launched an initiative to crack down on Internet access to porn by making the country's cyber café owners stick to stricter citywide policies, such as yearly licensing fees, and using software filters