Retargeting is a concept now widely used within the mainstream online advertising. However, it is still pretty much unknown for advertisers and marketers in the adult industry. For some reason, the adult industry is by far the most innovative in certain technologies and two years late on others. Time to change!
If you are not familiar with this advertising method, it is actually pretty simple and you must definitely have already been “retargeted” when browsing websites. The idea is simple. Imagine you are browsing an online shop, and see a nice flat TV that would fit perfectly in your living room. You add it to your shopping cart and proceed to the payment page but that’s when you hear your wife calling you downstairs, “Honeeey, the hamburgers are ready!” and hamburgers can’t wait. You close your browser and get ready for some serious meat. The old TV will do for now.
The goal of retargeting is to keep your brand visible for these high potential users and bring them back to your website until they are ready to buy.
Two days later, you are having your morning coffee, reading your favourite online news site and boom, there is a banner advertising, offering you the flat TV you liked! Turns out you now have more time to complete this purchase, you click on the ad, get your credit card and purchase it.
What data tells us is that only 2 percent of potential buyers complete their purchase on the first visit. The 98 percent remaining are potential clients but will only complete the purchase process in another visit. Actually, the average is seven visits.
The goal of retargeting is to keep your brand visible for these high potential users and bring them back to your website until they are ready to buy.
It is not rare to see conversion rates up to 500 percent better than standard advertising campaigns. With very high ROI for the advertisers.
ExoClick is the first and only advertising network to offer this feature in porn. With 1.7 Billion ad impressions a day, the potential for retargeting campaigns is huge. A lot of advertisers have started using it, from VOD sites to online dating, webcams and men health products.
If you are wondering if retargeting could be a good fit for your product, stop wondering and just test it, you will most probably be amazed by the results. Retargeting is very easy to implement, there is no extra cost and it can increase the overall ROI of your media buys very significantly, giving you a huge competitive advantage. Remember, if you don’t do it, your competitors will.