Not "noted director", not "critically-acclaimed", not "industry veteran" but newcomer Josh Ryan. Granted, there's not much else one can say to describe a newcomer, but I appreciate Maximum Xposure for not trying to. Others might bend over backwards lauding Ryan's revolutionary style or how his multiple-font boxcover technique was going to change the industry.
I find it amazing, though, that the name Carnal Desires wasn't already taken.
The trailer features brief glimpses of the action, including this shot of Annie Lennox. It also does that thing (which I love) where the dictionary entry of the title is presented. Just in case we don't know the meaning of the words "carnal" and "desire", a handy definition and pronunciation precedes the trailer.
I defy anyone who reads porn message boards or blogs for one day to not come across at least one definition.
This is how it usually goes:
pornfan620: your a fuckin asshole for slandering me you homosexual faggot
loupperchtounge: According to Webster's English Dictionary, "slander" is defined as ...
eddieinfla: next time I see you at the webmaster convention I'll fuckin kick your bitch ass you low traffic-getting bitch
affiliatekingX: According to the American Heritage Dictionary, "bitch" is defined as ...