News & Articles
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XBIZ's Hymes Morphs From Publisher to Executive Editor

XBIZ today announced that Tom Hymes has assumed the title of executive editor. The change allows Hymes to pursue personal projects and opportunities.

3.5G Drives Mobile

Opinions vary as to how large the mobile market for adult content is, but one thing appears to be clear; the infrastructure backend for mobile content distribution is growing like a weed.

Quentin Boyer ·

Pussycat Preacher Faces Film Critics

Stripper-turned-minister Heather Veitch is receiving attention on the film festival circuit for her recent documentary, "The Pussycat Preacher," which details her mission of bringing the word of God to exotic dancers and porn stars.


Solo Boys Online

The adult Internet is all about niche content. It's different strokes for different folks, and it's long been established that most of the stroking audience is male — straight or gay. However, one niche that seems sadly underserved is membership sites featuring solo guy content.

Joanne Cachapero ·

From Russia With Lust

With a degree in cinematography from the Brooks Institute of Photography, Ivan began partnering with other horror-film lovers and made a number of indie films in the late 1990s. With his chops honed and doors of opportunity opening up, he then made the move to adult.

Erik Jay ·

Denmark Study: Most People Think Hardcore Porn Has a Positive Influence

An article on the Psychology Today website reports on a recent study conducted in Denmark which found that men and women generally believe that hardcore pornography has a positive influence on their lives.


The Net Porn Fad

Did you ever consider that the whole online porn thing may have simply been a fad and that it may have pretty much run its course?

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up

The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.

XBIZ Summer Forum ’08 Now Free to First 1,000 Registrants

XBIZ President Alec Helmy, in a precedent-setting move, has announced that registry to the XBIZ Summer ’08 Forum will be free to the first 1,000 to sign up — positioning the show to become the industry's highest attended business event of the summer.

The XBIZ Weekly Tech Round-up

This week's tech round-up brings news of a new way to contribute to social networking websites through mobile phones, as well as some unethical activity from a prominent photo-sharing site.

Alert the Media! Sex Improves Television Ratings

An in-depth study by the International Medias Consultants Associes (IMCA) and Mediametrie, a French television audience monitoring firm, has found that when sex is one of the prime ingredients in television programming, ratings improve dramatically.

Judge Strikes Down Texas Strip Club Fee

A state district judge Friday struck down legislation that would have levied a $5 state fee on patrons of strip clubs, invalidating a measure that state officials said would have raised $50 million annually for sexual assault victims and people without health insurance.


Got Bots?

What are patrons of adult websites really looking for? We could say they are looking for excitement, sexual titillation, or we might surmise they are just bored. Ultimately though, each of these motivations is only a surface effect of a deeper malady that affects our civilization: People are lonely.

James Edwards ·

A Global Market

Recently, XBIZ World Magazine asked several industry players "Outside of the U.S. and Canada, what countries do you draw the most customers from? What does your company do to draw customers from markets outside of North America?"

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up

The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.

Business 101 Seminar Covers A Lot of Ground

The two-part Business 101 seminar at The Phoenix Forum yesterday provided a lot of good information, and in many ways quickly became Business 202, mostly because of the roundtable nature of the discussion.

The XBIZ Weekly Tech Roundup

Every Thursday, XBIZ offers adult webmasters a roundup of the latest news and innovations from the world of technology, online and offline.


Cell Erotica in the U.S.

According to Juniper's recent mobile media report, the market for mobile adult entertainment will be worth almost $3.5 billion worldwide by 2010 — and much of the demand will continue to come from Western Europe, where Juniper predicted that mobile adult profits will increase from $775 million in 2007 to $1.5 billion in 2012.

Alex Henderson ·

Raymond Empire Goes to Granddaughter

The porn and property empire of the late Paul Raymond, estimated by some to be worth billions, is set to pass on to his 22-year-old granddaughter, making her one of the richest women in Britain.

German Court: Arcor Does Not Have to Block Google, YouPorn

A German court recently threw out a petition filed by Huch Medien GmbH, the company that owns and operates AmateurStar.de, asking the court to force the German ISP Arcor to Google.de and Google.com in order to prevent the display of adult images without age verification.