News & Articles
6712 results:

The Oral Forum Launches

The Oral Forum has announced the launch of its new community website designed specifically for lovers of oral sex.


Digital Piracy's Global Challenges

The digital pirates who steal adult content on the Internet are not only in the U.S.; they are in countries all over the world, and the person doing the stealing could be anywhere from the Ukraine to Brazil to Japan.

Alex Henderson ·

N.J. Legislative Computers Get Porn Filters

In response to allegations that Assemblyman Neil Cohen (D-Union) possessed child pornography on a computer in his legislative office, lawmakers have ordered Internet filters installed on all legislative computers.

Michigan Bill Would Limit Adult-Oriented Signs

The Michigan State Senate last month approved legislation that would place fees and limits on advertising at adult-oriented businesses.

Could FCC Set Dangerous Precedent?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to deliver a ruling that could cause concern for the opponents of government regulation of private computer networks.

Special Report: cPanel Keeps it Simple

While webmasters were once forced to use old Unix-based tools to manage their websites, today, website management is highly automated and an industry leader has emerged: cPanel.

The Atlanta Forum Announces Special Seminar Lineup for September Show

The Atlanta Forum today announced the seminar lineup for the inaugural 2008 Atlanta Forum. Organizers predict the revamped format will mark the beginning of a new trend in webmaster show seminars.


CPanel Keeps it Simple

During the 1990s, when adult content providers moved toward the Internet and away from brick-and-mortar business solutions, webmasters were largely forced to use old Unix-based tools to manage their websites.

James Edwards ·

Lawrence Walters New FALA President

Noted First Amendment attorney Lawrence Walters has been named President of the respected First Amendment Lawyers Association (FALA).

Opera Delivers Mobile Web

Opera Software has released the first public version of Opera Mobile 9.5 beta, which the company calls "a powerful foreshadowing of what is to come" — by taking mobile browsing speed and features to a new level.

Special Report: Stealing Text is Illegal, Too

It is both surprising and annoying to some producers that their content rights are often completely ignored by both the pirates at large and their own comrades in arms.

Appeals Court Upholds Teacher’s Firing for Viewing Pornography

The firing of a high school teacher for viewing a pornographic website at school for 67 seconds on a Sunday was upheld by a state court of Appeals.


Engaging the Full-Court Press

On top of all our other troubles, the X-rated video industry has a worse image problem than 10-year-old VHS tape.

Ernest Greene ·

The XBIZ Weekly Retail Round-Up

The weekly collection of articles reporting on local laws and battles that affect today's adult retailers.

The XBIZ Weekly Tech Watch

This week's Tech Watch brings news about Apple's iPhone, as well as tips on how to better check email, research tricky subjects and spend that disposable income.


Stealing Text is Illegal, Too

It's time for the rest of the online adult industry to take a more enlightened approach to all forms of content piracy, and that includes making sure writers and text owners are being properly protected, as well.

Stewart Tongue ·

Special Report: Regulating U.K. Web Erotica

In the U.K., there has been much discussion over how adult entertainment should be regulated on the Internet; with Parliament considering controversial legislation that would make it a felony to download "extreme pornography."

US-CERT Warns of Impending DNS Cache Poisoning

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) is warning website owners and operators about deficiencies in the Domain Name Server (DNS) protocol which may leave affected systems vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning attacks.


Regulating U.K. Web Erotica

In the U.K., there has been much discussion over how adult entertainment should be regulated on the Internet. Parliament has been considering some controversial legislation that would make it a felony to download what some British politicians have been loosely describing as "extreme pornography."

Alex Henderson ·

COPA Ruling Affirmed by 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals

The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a 2007 lower court ruling that found the 1998 Child Online Protection Act (COPA) unconstitutional, setting the stage for a possible government appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.