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XBIZ Summit Goes Moderator-Free, Introduces New Format

XBIZ plans to ditch the role of the seminar moderator for its upcoming XBIZ Summit digital media conference in Miami.

XBIZ Summit Official Show Schedule Now Available

XBIZ is pleased to announce the official show schedule for the upcoming XBIZ Summit in Miami slated for May 13-16.

Dev Depot: jQuery Audit, Auditing Conflicts

One of the most popular technologies employed by modern web developers is jQuery, which powers countless sites and mobile applications. As easy as the framework is to use, however, a variety of conflicts and other concerns await even the most careful of coders.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

When It Comes to Sex Toys, Gay Consumers Are the Trendsetters

Well educated, tech savvy, socially connected and self aware … just a few of the attributes that Jahaziel Perez — owner of DickzToyz.com — uses to describe the gay male consumer.

Dan Cameron ·

Dev Depot: Media Query Builder, Queries Made Easy

One of the most powerful features of cascading style sheets (CSS) for modern website development is the use of media queries — an interrogatory used to determine the characteristics of a display device.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

XBIZ Summit 'Traffic Rush Hour' to Host Top Traffic Providers

XBIZ is pleased to announce its preliminary list of leading traffic providers that have enlisted so far for the all-new Traffic Rush Hour session sponsored by BrokerBabe at XBIZ Summit.

XBIZ Adds Industry Attorney Corey Silverstein to Blog Lineup

XBIZ is pleased to announce the addition of adult industry attorney Corey Silverstein to its roster of distinguished blog columnists.


Special Delivery: Expanding Face of Film Distribution

“As adult movie producers, we are going through an evolution in the way content is first produced and then delivered,” said X-Play coowner Will Ryder, “and the audience always decides what works best for them. That evolution can be seen most clearly — and often uncomfortably — in the area of content distribution.

Jared Rutter ·

Happy Ride Vibrating Bike Seat Makes Exercise Fun, Dangerous

For cyclists looking for a boost — in their routine as well as their nether regions — there is now the Happy Ride, a vibrating bicycle seat cover.

Dev Depot: ImgFlip, Creating Mobile Video Previews in a Snap

As Flash fades and new devices come to market, it’s important to explore new ways of presenting video samples — regardless of the platform that they are viewed upon.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

A Look at Biller-based Affiliate Systems

Today’s market leading Internet payment service providers (IPSP) offer integrated affiliate back end systems that not only eliminate the need for additional affiliate tools, but which may provide a competitive distinction for those choosing a primary processor — and with it, the software that will power their adult websites’ affiliate program.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Distributing the Pleasure

As the new year helps people recharge their goals, careers and outlooks, it’s a fitting time for pleasure product distributors to do the same — literally.

Dan Cameron ·

As the Adult Pendulum Swings

As I’ve watched the debate concerning David Cameron’s proposal for opt-out porn filters at the ISP level play out in the U.K., I can’t help but wonder if a similar idea might not eventually percolate up again from the bowels of U.S. Congress — perhaps even a bill that lacks some of constitutional defects that doomed various iterations of the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) and the enjoined portions of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), and that might better survive court scrutiny.

Q. Boyer ·

Dev Depot: Pinnect, Makes Social Pinboarding a Snap

There is no denying the continued popularity of Pinterest, the market defining social pinboard site that allows user uploads of photos and other media — a seemingly ideal application for adult websites, if it wasn’t for Pinterest’s pesky “no porn” policy.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Mobile Video Comes of Age

The rapidly increasing video quality of today’s mobile devices is inspiring new generations of digital filmmakers to adopt new techniques, which take advantage of the technical innovations occurring on the mobile video front — where many current generation smartphones support full HD video recording — and a few upstart phones are already shooting next-generation 4K video.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Snapshot of the Mobile Market

It has been about half a dozen years or so now since tech journal headlines proclaimed that mobile Internet access would surpass fixed Internet access “by 2014.” Now that this milestone year is upon us, XBIZ wanted to look at the latest available mobile penetration stats and to contemplate what it means to adult marketers. Here is what we found:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Optimizing Advertising for Increased Sales

Profiting from media buys is not as simple as posting an ad and then waiting for the sales to roll in as many new ad buyers quickly discover when they learn the hard way about the need for ad optimization.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Strategies for Re-marketing Canceled Members

Merchants often like to think that their products and services are so good that every customer is a guaranteed customer for life. Unfortunately, this rarely plays out in the real world, where increasingly finicky porn consumers are more reluctant to purchase and more quick to cancel website memberships.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Building Better Join Forms

For e-commerce website operators, web forms are a vital ingredient, whether used for paysite joins or product or service sales, or customer feedback and inquiries. Knowing if your site’s forms work is an easy enough process, but how do you know how well they are working, from a performance standpoint — not performance as in “how fast does it load” (although speed is a serious concern), but performance as in “does my form encourage completion?” and “what can I do to improve this performance?”

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Content vs. Traffic: New Take on the Age-old Debate

Among adult website owners, it is the classic “chicken vs. egg” debate rehashed, where a discussion of which is more important — content or traffic — is perennially posed. While partisans play their roles in public responses (with content providers claiming that content is king, and traffic brokers pointing to their wares as the secret to success), it leaves many operators wondering which is truly more important to adult website operators today: content or traffic?

Stephen Yagielowicz ·