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26 results:

Former Aussie Diplomat Faces Thai Court’s Child Porn Ruling

A former Australian diplomat accused of distributing child pornography for trade will have his fate decided by a Thai court Friday. Robert Scoble, 56, was once described by colleagues as a “witty, urbane, and politically shrewd” diplomat.

Former Australian Diplomat Faces Thai Pornography Charges

A Bangkok court on Wednesday is scheduled to view eight pornographic videotapes and 12 gay magazines during the trial of former Australian diplomat in what some are calling just “the tip of the iceberg” of a ring of pedophiles centered on the Australian diplomatic service.

Thai Police Revoke Visas of Men Facing Porn Charges

Police in Thailand have busted an alleged child-sex recruitment network that based their business over the Internet. The owners of one of South-East Asia's biggest gay tourism agencies were believed to have used their travel agency as a front to introduce foreign pedophiles to Thai children.

The Thai Rebuke Mobile Porn

Adding to the Thai Government's ongoing struggle to regulate the amount porn that ends up in its citizen's hands, the latest anti-porn campaign is aimed at mobile porn content providers.

Thai Gov Creates Porn Database

The Southeast Asian government is rallying citizen support for a national database and filtering software that will reduce the risk of having children exposed to pornographic websites

Webmaster Angers Thai Gov

A British webmaster, known as Sammy, who used the image of the Thai flag as a reference point for describing Bangkok as a sex hub has outraged the Thai government and could face prison time