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3 results:

Senior Labour MP Launches Attack on All Porn, Sex Work

A senior Labour MP on Tuesday launched an attack against adult websites, saying they are “characterized by lawlessness,” and called for further criminalization of all sex work.

Spanish Feminist Leader Crosses Party Lines to Demand Porn Censorship, Sex Work Abolition

Veteran Spanish feminist academic and activist Amelia Valcárcel reaffirmed her alliance with the right-wing Partido Popular (PP) on Wednesday by issuing a demand for the adoption of 10 policy items, starting with censorship of adult content and the abolition of all sex work.

UK Activist to Fellow Radical Feminists: 'Less TERF, More SWERF'

U.K. lawyer, activist and cultural commentator Charlotte Proudman penned an opinion piece for The Independent newspaper today, urging fellow radical feminists to disavow transphobia and instead renew the campaign against “pornography,” following the lead of SWERF icons Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin.