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8 results:

TTS Offering Free Retesting for Mgen, Other STIs

Talent Testing Service (TTS) is offering free retests starting Monday for performers who tested positive for Mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen), Trichomoniasis (Trich), Chlamydia and/or Gonorrhea.

STIs: Production Halt, Increased Testing Aim to Curb Spread

Industry sexual health professionals and advocates are using an “abundance of caution” approach — including a seven-day production hold and increased testing — to curb the spread of STIs among performers, following a widely reported uptick in positive tests.

PASS Calls for 7-Day Production Hold After Reports of Increase in STIs

PASS has called for a week-long production hold following recent reports of an increase in STIs among talent.

PASS Issues Update on Rare Chlamydia Strain in Florida

PASS has issued an update on current reports of a rare chlamydia strain in Florida.

New Zealand to Test Quick Contact Tracing Technology for STIs

New Zealand’s Wellington Sexual Health has partnered with London-based sexual health services platform SXT Health to test a new, anonymized STI contact-tracing service.

'Shameless Sex' Podcast Talks STIs, Sexual Health in Latest Episode

"Shameless Sex" hosts April Lampert and Amy Baldwin tackled the topic of STIs in this week's episode of the popular sex-positive podcast. 

i.Con 'Smart Condom' Measures Performance, Warns of STIs

British Condoms is marketing a new "smart condom" called the i.Con that uses nano-chip technology to measure sexual performance and detect STIs. Offers Tips on Informing Ex-Partners of STIs

In a new article on, the 2017 XBIZ Webstar of the Year shares sensible advice on telling ex-partners of an STI diagnosis.