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Adult SEO Partners Launches New Website and Services

Adult SEO Partners has announced the launch of its new website and services.


All About Search: Advanced SEO for Dating and Cam Sites

There are many similarities between adult dating and cam websites. Unlike tubes, paysites, VODs and blogs, both dating and cam sites have unique challenges. They have minimal keyword rich content, their markets are saturated with white labels and some of the biggest brands have lost SEO traction in recent years.

Adrian Degus ·

SEO Trends: The Game Has Changed

There used to be a time when webmasters could simply look up the page rank of any website, see what Google thought of it and buy backlinks on the footer of pages with a guaranteed bang for their buck.

Stewart Tongue ·

Samtaa Solutions Offers SEO Services and More

Samtaa Solutions has announced its offering of search engine optimization services for website owners.


SEO: The Difference Between Whiners and Winners

In the last year and a half Google has implemented many well-known patches to its algorithm. Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird are now household names for anyone who does even a very minimal amount of SEO work on websites, but Hummingbird was the most recent major change and it was announced almost a year ago on Sept. 26.

Stewart Tongue ·

White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO

The problem with holding a firm belief in either white or black hat SEO methods is that Google does not commit to your definitions of either. Recently Matt Cutts of Google declared that guest blogging is now going to be considered a penalty-worthy black hat technique. His exact quote was “stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done”.

Adrian Degus ·

SEO: Outrunning the Competition

Search marketing is a competitive game. There’s a wealth of traffic to be won by outcompeting just one of 10 sites ranking for a particular keyword. And it’s this effort to outcompete one of the 10 that separates those with top 10 rankings and those without.

Adrian Degus ·

SEO: Linking Up in 2014

Last year, saw a wave of major Google algorithm changes that all changed the way adult sites have to approach search engine marketing. Since the early days of our industry we have relied on a standard set of methods to rank our sites for popular keywords, specifically buying and trading links.

Adrian Degus ·

SEO Training Available for Adult is now out of beta and accepting new webmasters, program operator and affiliate manager memberships.

Dev Depot: Raven Automates SEO, Social Marketing

According to Raven Internet Marketing Tools (, its suite of more than 30 solutions allows users to precisely execute online marketing strategies, saving time and preventing frustration.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Cybersocket Picks CyberStampede to Lead SEO

Cybersocket has announced a new partnership with CyberStampede for its search-engine optimization needs.

AdultSEO Reports Strong Adult SEO Market

SEO company has reported seeing strong growth in the adult SEO market as the adult industry comes forward to use its services.

IntenseCash Allowed to Add Media Revenue to SEO Suit

A federal magistrate judge today paved the way for operators of IntenseCash to add Media Revenue as a defendant in a search engine optimization trademark infringement suit.

Media Revenue's Involvement in SEO Suit to Be Weighed

A federal magistrate judge on Friday was assigned to determine pretrial matters in the DeeCash search engine optimization trademark infringement suit waged by IntenseCash.

Google Plans to Penalize Sites That Overuse SEO Techniques

Google is planning to penalize sites that overuse search-engine-optimization techniques, a move it hopes to “level the playing field.”

Thrust SEO Offers ‘Panda’ Recovery Service for Adult Websites

SEO marketing agency, Thrust SEO, has announced its launch of new services targeting adult websites negatively impacted by Google’s “Panda” updates.

Media Revenue Jumps Into SEO Trademark Suit

Media Revenue has jumped into the search engine optimization trademark infringement suit waged by IntenseCash, saying it owns some of the 90 domains that are at center of litigation.


SEO Can Hurt Your Business

Search engine optimization can be a double-edged sword

Joe D ·

JuicyAds Introduces SEO Services

Advertising network Juicy Ads has launched a new division,, which offers high-end SEO for premium adult e-commerce sites.

Default Judgment Looms in Porn SEO Case

A federal magistrate judge soon will decide on the disposition of IntenseCash's motion for default judgment in a trademark infringement suit over the use of the search term “broke straight boys” by a competitor.