“The SDR Show,” the comedy podcast program hosted by Ralph Sutton and Big Jay Oakerson, welcomed adult entertainment icon and fellow GaS Digital Network podcast host, Lisa Ann, this week.
Nicolette Shea, the tall, blonde adult star who already has nearly three dozen scenes with Brazzers, has signed an exclusive contract with the adult entertainment brand.
Brazzers has released a new scene starring Nicolette Shea, “Ms. Nicolette’s Academy for Exceptional Women.” The scene features Shay Evans as a college student called into Shea’s office.
Feature dance agency The Lee Network has signed Playboy model Nicolette Shea to a feature dance contract. Her first engagement will be at Sapphire 39 in New York on July 13. Sapphire 39 is located at 20 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018.