Mormon War on Porn

News & Articles
6 results:

Utah's Top Anti-Porn Lawmakers Celebrate Pioneering Role in Ongoing Age Verification Crusade

The two leading War on Porn crusaders in the Utah legislature, Rep. Susan Pulsipher and Senator Todd Weiler, in recent interviews celebrated their state’s pioneering role in developing anti-porn legislation and hailed their age verification initiative as the source of later copycat legislation.

Utah's Leading Anti-Porn Crusader Proposes Jail Time Over 'Porn Filter' Activation

Utah’s leading anti-porn crusader, state Sen. Todd Weiler, has introduced a measure mandating prison time for any electronics manufacturer worldwide who fails to install and activate a default anti-porn filter on devices sold in the Mormon-majority state.

The Bible Exempted From Utah's Draconian Anti-Porn Law

A Utah school board that ordered the Bible removed from certain school libraries, as it was found to be in violation of Utah’s draconian new anti-porn law, reversed course on Tuesday after community pressure to exempt scriptural descriptions of incest, rape and other sexual matters from censorship.

The Bible Challenged in Utah for Explicit Sexual Content

A Utah parent is challenging the arbitrary, expansive nature of the state’s legal redefinitions of “pornography,” by flagging the Bible in an official complaint for its numerous instances of sexual content.

Utah Republicans Continue Introducing Controversial Age Verification Bills

Republican state legislators in Utah have introduced two controversial age verification bills that could have nationwide ramifications.

Utah Senator, Mormon Activist Single Out Adult Sites With 'PROTECT Act'

Utah Senator Mike Lee (R) and Mormon activist Dawn Hawkins, CEO of religiously motivated anti-porn lobby NCOSE, are promoting the PROTECT Act, a proposed federal bill that would make adult websites liable for third-party content.