
News & Articles
7 results:

Security Experts Warn Against Fraudulent 'Java Update' Popup on Adult Sites

Two months after warning of a surge in malvertising fraud targeting adult websites, internet security experts have determined that the bad actors behind it have switched tactics from “exploit kit delivery” to “social engineering” via a fake Java update screen.

Entrenue Inks Exclusive U.S. Distro Pact for Java Skin Care's 'Sexy Serum'

Entrenue is now the exclusive U.S. distributor for Java Skin Care's Sexy Serum, a sexual enhancement oil with caffeine-based stimulation.

Java Vulnerabilities Persist Despite Warnings

Internet security experts have long advised computer users to use an anti-virus solution and to keep their software updated, but too often it seems that a lack of concern over these calls is leading to problems for businesses and consumers alike.

VidQ Launches Java-Based Video Stream Solution

VidQ Inc has made available the VidQ Java-based streaming video solution.

Macromedia Jumps On Java Alternative

Graphics giant Macromedia has signed on to begin producing software with the development tool Eclipse, an open source platform based on Java.

Java Creator: Huge Security Hole in .Net

James Gosling, developer of the Java programming language, said this week that Microsoft’s .NET development platform suffers from “a security hole big enough to drive many, many large trucks through,” and called the company's decision to support C and C++ stupid and offensive.

Java Glitch Found

Security firm iDefense issued a warning Tuesday that Sun Microsystems' Java Plug-in technology has been identified as having a vulnerability that if exploited, could expose a user's network.