
News & Articles
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2012 in Review: Internet Censorship & the Acronyms We Love to Hate

With the new year upon us, two things become painfully apparent in concluding 2012 sans post-apocalyptic bedlam: 1) the Mayans seem to have preferred tequila breaks over finishing their calendaring duties, and 2) there are no more excuses justifying willful blindness to any of the damage done during the last twelve months

Lawrence Walters ·

Another Online Censorship Bill Struck Down in Alaska

Another attempt to censor the Internet has been struck down by a federal judge in Alaska.

Australia Eyes Overhaul of National Censorship System

An Australian Senate committee report is calling for an overhaul of the country’s censorship system.

Aussie Sex Party Says .XXX Represents Censorship

Australia Sex Party President Fiona Patten said the new .XXX domain marks the beginning of the end for ICANN and its system of apportioning domain names and numbers.

British ISPs Call for Parental Control, Not Internet Censorship

Two of the U.K.’s biggest ISPs — BT Broadband and Virgin Media — have challenged the government’s proposal to censor Internet porn arguing that education and parental control are more effective.

New Mass. Law Extends Censorship to Web, IM, Email

The American Civil Liberties Union, along with other organizations, is challenging a new Massachusetts statute that went into effect this week that is intended to ban distribution by the Internet of "matter harmful to minors."

Will Apple-Style Censorship Hit the Android Market?

Adult operators stinging from App Store restrictions and looking to Android for revenue solace may be out of luck, if activist groups have their way.

World Glimpses Chinese Net Censorship

A recent report reveals that some Western ISPs are using Chinese Domain Name Servers (DNS) — and thus have their Internet access limited by the Chinese government.

WTO May Challenge Internet Censorship

Reuters is reporting that the World Trade Organization (WTO) is set to release a study claiming that censorship of the Internet is open to challenge by the global regulatory body due to its restrictions on trade.

U.S. Agency Tests New Anti-Censorship Technology in China

A U.S.-based agency is testing new technology that could thwart online censorship in the most unhospitable environment possible: China.

Iraq Implementing Internet Censorship

Internet cafes and ISPs will be required to be licensed by the government, and licenses will be subject to review and possible cancellation if licensees do not meet compliance standards.

Google Gives in to Chinese Censorship Demands

China continues its fight against online porn.

Adult Attorney Warns Against Censorship Increase

For marketers hoping that the end of the Bush administration meant the end of moves to restrict media, the increase in attacks coming from the Left may come as somewhat of a surprise.

Anti-Net Censorship Rally Set for Canberra Saturday

The "March in March" is set for Federation Mall near Parliament House.

Chinese Netizens Clothe Renaissance Nudes in Censorship Protest

Chinese Internet surfers began protesting last week against the government’s crackdown on Internet “vulgarity” by adding clothing to nudes depicted in famous works of art.


U.K. Shifts Toward Censorship

While U.S. citizens possess free speech by constitutional right, U.K. subjects must go cap in hand to representatives of our constitutional monarchy to check what we are — and are not — permitted to see, say, read or view.

John Ozimek ·

ISPs Move to Block Usenet, Spark Censorship Fears

A pact made this week among three major ISPs and the N.Y. attorney general to block old Internet discussion groups has some civil rights advocates and tech experts worried that thousands of legitimate discussions may be unjustly disabled.

Critic of Finnish Censorship Censored

A Finnish governmental program designed to block access to websites displaying or distributing child pornography is now blocking access to the site of one the program’s critics, Matti Nikki, webmaster of Lapsiporno.info.


Inane Aussies Opt for Censorship

Sorry, but if you want your ideas to be taken seriously, you really ought to at least try to have them make sense

Tom Hymes ·

Arab Authorities, Internet Users Square Off on Censorship

Governments in the Middle East are stepping up a campaign of censorship and surveillance to block some 33.5 million Internet users from viewing websites ranging from adult entertainment to human rights.