The fully animated 60-second movie trailer is a tribute to the classic "Bewitched" TV show from the 1960s, which featured hand-drawn animation in the opening credits. The trailer showcases humorous caricatures of Jenna Haze as Samantha, Teagan as Tabitha, Mike Horner as Darren, Ron Jeremy as Dr. Bombay and Nina Hartley as Endora.
In addition to the aforementioned cat members, the film also features appearances by Eva Angelina, Sasha Grey, Sunny Lane, Aurora Snow, Michelle Avanti, Daisy Lane, Kandice Nicole, Kelly Skyline, Madison Ivy, Winter Sky, Marli Jane and James Bartholet.
“'Not Bewitched XXX' is our best piece of work ever,” Mullen said. “This is really becoming one hell of a movie with a great cast, hot sex and a belly full of laughs, and our work with Copper Digital on the animation is wonderful.”
The full-length XXX movie trailer will debut later this month with the launch of the "Not Bewitched XXX" website. PG versions and behind-the-scenes footage will appear on You Tube in the coming months.
"Not Bewitched XXX" will be distributed by Adam & Eve Pictures and hits stores in September.
For more information, contact X-Play/All Media Play at
For worldwide broadcast rights, contact Marc Bruder at CED (310) 829-2222 ext. 10 or email
For U.S. DVD sales. contact Ryan Thomas at Adam & Eve at