Until the update is completed, performers that need to have a copy of their AIM tests can call the clinic in Sherman Oaks and a copy will be faxed to them. Otherwise, talent also can come into the Sherman Oaks clinic to obtain a copy of their test.
“We’re no longer affiliated with SexCheck, which did all of our civilian testing, but they were also hosting part of our database,” AIM founder and director Sharon Mitchell told XBIZ.
“Since we are now split up, we not only continuing to serve our civilian clients, but we decided to re-do and update our database,” she said. “We knew that at some point we were going to have to pull it down, and its holding all the results for the entire industry.”
“Everyone is so used to punching in their password and retrieving the results, so we’re having a shit storm of phone calls now,” Mitchell added.
Though an announcement of the database being down has been posted on the AIM website for more than a week, many performers had not gone there to verify that the system was scheduled for an update.
“It should be up Tuesday, possibly Wednesday,” Mitchell said. “We’re upgrading it and it’s a good thing. But people get panicked.
“Anyone that’s shooting this weekend should probably send in their PAs tomorrow. We have Saturday hours at the Sherman Oaks location, from 1-5 p.m., but we are closed on Monday,” she added.
The location in Sherman Oaks is located at 4630 Van Nuys Blvd., and the phone number is (818) 981-5681.