Ranking Topsites were made famous by the popular series of Picka sites offering surfers a small 100 by 150 image, Bang-Me-baby.com is allowing the webmaster to add a pic as large as 320 by 240, essentially the same size as a cam pic in order to give the surfer a real feel for the cam performer.
The system is already processing new account sign ups from WebCam site webmasters/mistress. The system is updated every hour and based on the amount of hits sent in. Bascially put, the more hits sent in the higher up the rank a site will appear, it's a simple yet highly effective traffic sharing system that look set to have a ton if gorgeous pics to tantalise the most hardened sufer.
To add some added value the system will even allow on site ranking of the the actual pics and a user can even leave some comments, thus enabling the webmaster to glean some feedback on the choice of media. Add your accounts now at www.bang-me-baby.com/friends/.