NEW YORK CITY — Blush has announced a new contest and has called on artists and graphic designers for submissions. Three winners will have their work featured as part of a curated Artist Series on various products from The Collection line of vibrators, and will additionally take home a $500 prize and two dozen of the custom pieces.
“Ever dreamed of having your art on a sex toy?” inquires the tagline for the contest which launched last Thursday, October 9. “We’d like to make that dream come true.”
Blush's Design Director shared that they're thrilled to see what Blush lovers will come up with. “We are so excited to fold illustrators and graphic artists into toy design," they said. "We look forward to reviewing the submissions from this contest."
Blush’s The Collection is the company’s current line of vibrators emblazoned with love notes, messages and unique pop art. Reps are hoping to expand the line to now include a fresh swathe of artists, encouraging prospective participants to "use any color palette or artistic format," so long as it can be digitized for production.
“Our minds are open to any theme, pattern, or style,” a Blush rep said.
Submissions are restricted to original, non-copywritten intellectual properties owned by third parties; art with explicit imagery and/or vulgar language are also considered disqualifying entries.
Submissions will be accepted through November 20. To view submission guidelines and submit an entry, click here.
For more information about Blush Novelties, follow them on Twitter.