PALO ALTO, Calif. — VirtualMate is putting out the "Help Wanted" sign “for highly-motivated masturbatory engineers with a discerning eye and loads of experience” to test out its virtual intimacy system.
VirtualMate combines a realistic virtual reality-based partner with a male stroker called The Core and is set to launch in the near future. In preparation for its release is “looking for the best of the best Beta testers... a ‘Master Beta’ tester, if you will.”
“In order to create the most realistic experience possible, it’s key that we test on as many VR devices as possible given the number of VR headsets out there, [including] Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, plus mobile devices and operating systems," Dillon explained. “VirtualMate needs experienced beta testers and VR enthusiasts to ‘run it up the flagpole and see how it flies.’”
The company hosted a crowdfunding project earlier this month that broke first-day records for an adult product and now that VirtualMate is more than fully financed, Dillon noted that “the perfect ‘girlfriend’ is waiting to create a virtual world that soars far outside the lines of reality.”
Early buyers can still receive a 60 percent discount plus free lifetime upgrades and downloads, including every new model and scene added to the VirtualMate system.
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