CHELTENHAM, U.K. — Sex & Censorship’s Jerry Barnett will discuss the rise and fall of sexual freedom in the U.K. on Tuesday evening at Skeptics in the Pub in Cheltenham.
Barnett’s talk, which starts at 7:30 p.m., will examine the state of British censorship over recent decades, the evidence for and against harm, and the arguments used to justify censorship of sexual expression.
Skeptics in the Pub meets frequently to provide a social platform for those interested in discuss science, skepticism, rationalism and critical thinking, and it typically invites a guest speaker.
Cheltenham Skeptics in the Pub is the local version in the county of Glouchester; to date there are more than 50 Skeptics in the Pub groups in the U.K.
Barnett founded the Sex & Censorship campaign in 2013 after operating a number of video-on-demand sites in the U.K. He currently is writing the book “Porn Panic,” a look at the history of online pornography and British censorship.
Barnett will be speaking at the Cheltenham Skeptics in the Pub on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7: 30 p.m. at The Frog and Fiddle at 313-315 High Street, Cheltenham GL50 3HW. The group will meet at The Barn function room.