CYBERSPACE — AdultCentro Market today announced "My Store,” a white-label storefront where producers and agents can promote content.
The company said the storefront allows for more transparent, simpler, and less time-consuming content sales and acquisition.
The customizable platform can be branded with a logo and a header, and can have a custom URL — either an Adult Centro Market sub-domain or a user-owned domain.
"My Store" functionality includes "Featured" and "On Sale" blocks so that content sellers can drive up their clientele. These blocks will also be displayed on the Market homepage to encourage visitors to the seller's store.
"Content owners and agents will find Adult Centro Market easy to navigate, and with many other features developed in the past several months, a valuable tool to promote their content. And content buyers can find almost anything they're looking for in our vast content library, as well as acquire it with just a few clicks," said product manager Alex Reddy.
For more information on My Store, click here.