The contest spanned many threads and hundreds of posts. Paul, a prolific poster on set up the auction to contribute to a worthy cause in the adult industry, while the winning bidder gets prime exposure for their company.
“The Free Speech Coalition is on the front lines protecting our industry from an ultra-conservative administration,” Paul told XBIZ. “Honestly, they’re protecting more than just the adult industry, they’re protecting all Americans that enjoy freedoms of expression that are unmatched anywhere else in the world. The money raised in this charity event will provide the FSC with ammunition for that battle, in the form of many hours of work by some of the best 1st Amendment attorney’s in the country.”
To rally support for the cause, Paul contacted adult industry icon Seymore Butts who posted his enthusiasm for the FSC on and encouraged webmasters to bid. He even posted a photo of himself with the message, “Bid on the sig” written on adult performer Mari Possa’s rear end. The pair star on Butts’s Showtime reality show “Family Business.”
After the auction ended, adult affiliate program EpicCash stepped up to the plate with a $7,000 contribution of its own to the FSC, bringing the total donation to $14,000.
“The entire industry really came together for this event, and that helps us in more ways than just the final donation to the FSC,” Paul said. “Webmasters kept the bidding threads bumped, many companies stepped forward to place bids, the industry news outlets kept people informed, and some of the figureheads of our industry like Seymore Butts helped draw more attention to the cause. All of those efforts help to build unity for us as an industry, and that’s something that benefits each of us in the long run.”