”Now it’s easier than ever to enter the expanding smart-phone and tablet market,” said Julia Dimambro, founder of Cherry Media.
“Cherry has been leveraging its award-winning erotic and adult portfolio to specially produce a wide range of consumer-focused movies and scenes for video on demand and live TV streams which slot easily into both d2c and operator channels."
The Mobile feeds are available as individual scenes for Video on Demand or broadcasted as a live TV stream. A fully hosted mobile white label subscription service is also available. The feeds run great on Android, iOS, Blackberry and are updated for new devices as they are launched.
“There’s no complex technical integration," said Graeme Kingshott, co-founder of Spankmo Mobile.
"We stream on demand directly to your members’ handsets. This is the next generation of on-demand adult mobile. VOD and mobile TV are a great opportunity for existing clip and download services to capture the smart-phone audience.”