Their views were made known to Scotland’s Working Group on Adult Entertainment, formed by Scottish ministers in March to review the scope and impact of adult entertainment activity and make recommendations to the Ministers. The group’s formation followed earlier concerns about the lack of controls on adult entertainment activity. The working group was given the task of researching the extent of Scotland’s adult industry, its impact on society and whether any changes in the law are needed
The questionnaire, which included several questions such as “What does ‘adult entertainment’ mean to you?” attracted more than 50 responses from councils, licensing boards, community safety partnerships, women’s groups and the Church of Scotland. More than 80 percent said the adult entertainment industry should be controlled.
Respondents also said they view the scope of Scotland’s adult entertainment industry as including pornography, saunas, stripping and lap, pole and table dancing. More than 60 percent of consultees also said they believe adult entertainment has a negative impact on performers, audience and general public.
Additionally, the analysis of the results found that 24 percent of respondents felt such activities and clubs should be banned or shut down. However, the analysis reported that such actions may not be realistic, therefore requiring tighter controls to protect “the rights and physical and emotional health of the performers.”
“The onus should be on the employers to enforce these controls, with the threat of heavy penalties if situations occur where the performers’ rights are compromised,” the analysis said.
Some respondents suggested empowering local authorities to refuse licenses, which would give communities a voice to object to licenses being granted. Other suggestions included regular monitoring of adult entertainment establishments to ensure compliance with licensing conditions, restricting club advertising and requiring police to conduct background checks on license holders.
“Concerns were expressed about the link to criminal activity and organized crime, such as drug taking and drug dealing, and the effect that this has on society as a whole,” the analysis added. “This links to the possible health effects resulting from these activities, along with a possible increase in sexually transmitted infections which could result if the sexual activities involved are normalized and seen as acceptable.”
The group has been requested to make its recommendations regarding tighter controls for the adult industry in Scotland by April.