Affiliate program PussyCash has signed on as the registration sponsor.
“Once again Pussycash has stepped up in becoming the registration sponsor of Webmaster Access for the 5th year in a row,” event organizer Shelly Riley said. “They've also taken the corporate sponsorship for added exposure. Since were expecting another 500 attendees or more this year, we've moved over to reg-online for faster registration.”
Payment processor eMerchantPay and Playboy have secured an exclusive partnership as co-presenters of the event.
The event is being held in the Park Hotel, a new private venue to help attendees expand their business connections while enjoying Amsterdam, the company said. The entire show revolves around sharing strategic information and accessing new opportunities.
Riley adds that rooms are going fast so she’s encouraging those who plan on attending to book right away. She says sponsorship opportunities are still available.
To register for the Webmaster Access Amsterdam, click here.