One remaining performer has not tested yet because of an out-of-town trip, Hunter said, and will have her second test when she returns to L.A., perhaps by the weekend.
The quarantine started in early June after a performer only known as "Patient Zero" tested positive on June 6. The case was complicated by the fact that Patient Zero had shot a scene on June 5 with a 37-day-old test, which is older than all production companies who spoke to XBIZ would accept.
Hunter told XBIZ that the number of people under quarantine was "between 12 and 25 people, including nonperformers, 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-generation contacts. And one 4th-generation. Just to be safe, they wanted peace-of-mind testing, and we, of course, obliged.
"Even though it's a shame and a tragedy when anybody tests positive for HIV, the good thing is that all the partners tested negative, and they're all being released to go back to work," Hunter said.