Based on the reality TV series “Rock of Love,” the film follows rockstar Brüte Michaels, played by adult star Evan Stone, as he searches for his one true love.
“Crock of Love” also stars Andy San Dimas, Natalia Rossi, Nikki Rhodes, Aiden Star, Victoria Lawson, Misty Stone, Mikey Butders and Justin Long.
Like the TV series, “Crock of Love” includes rose ceremonies, girl fights and emotional testimonials.
“Just like any other lonely rock star, Brüte has decided that the best way to find the love of his life is to fill a house with beautiful young women and have a film crew record their every drink, lesbian kiss and nervous breakdown,” the company said in its description of the movie.
“Crock of Love” will be released simultaneously on DVD and Blu-ray in August.