The Free Speech Coalition was founded in 1991 as a result of numerous government attacks against producers and retailers of adult products. But its roots are embedded deep within the birth and development of adult entertainment in the United States.
The first truly national group to emerge was the Adult Film Association of America (AFAA). At that time, adult entertainment was only available in adult theaters and bookstores so early members were largely theatrical exhibitors. With the advent of inexpensive home videos, the AFAA morphed into the Adult Film and Video Association of America (AFVAA).
As video productions became the dominant factor in the marketplace, theatrical exhibition diminished. Video chains and many independent stores in suburbs and smaller cities started carrying adult fare. Overzealous law enforcement officials subjected more and more retailers to "obscenity" charges. Then in 1990, under the first Bush administration, the Federal government attacked most of the major manufacturers of adult video with a sting operation designed to destroy the industry. In response, the Free Speech Legal Defense Fund (FSLDF) was formed by industry leaders to protect the rights of members in all areas of adult entertainment.
In 1992, as the government attack was blunted, the FSLDF decided to select a name more reflective of its broadened role in the adult community and the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) was born. Today, FSC is proud to be the trade association for the adult entertainment. Our mission is to lead, protect and support the growth and wellbeing of the adult entertainment community. Our responsibilities are threefold: First, to be the watchdog for the industry guarding against oppressive government laws and intervention. Second, to be a voice of the industry communicating to legislators, the media and the greater community the vital role the adult entertainment industry plays not only as an economic force for our nation, but also as a quality of life component for its citizens. And finally, to provide the information and resources adult businesses need to be successful in an ever-changing business environment.
This blog will provide insight and information from the perspective of your trade association. Entries will be submitted FSC professional staff and board members on issues that impact adult businesses, our rights to conduct business and our consumer’s rights to access our products and services. I welcome your questions and comments. We are FSC your trade association and this is your blog.
Diane Duke
FSC Executive Director