An amateur site is one created by, maintained by, or centered on amateurs. No professional models allowed! The surfers who come by this site are looking for something other than babes or glamour models. They want the real deal.
Camgirls can be considered amateurs. Horny wives, naughty neighbors, and the basic run-of-the-mill girls are also considered amateurs. These are people who are not models, who have average bodies and faces, and just plain like to fuck. That's what amateur site surfers are looking for, and if they find a site that they really love, you've got members for life.
Because the amateur niche can be just about anything using non-model types, you have an incredible amount of work to do. Decide what you really want to portray on your site. Will it be a single girl site, (which are incredibly popular), or will you have several women on your site? Do you know where to find the traffic you're going to need in order to get the hits? How will you market your amateur site to new blood, both models and surfers?
Cam sites are some of the most popular, because they allow the surfer to interact with the selected girl. Real-time interaction can be a huge upsell for you, and if you center your site around a single girl who also does some cam shows, the money that you can make is incredible.
Surfers like to be involved in their chosen site, and with an amateur site, you can allow your surfers to interact with the model by way of message boards, polls, and occasionally scheduled chats. Amateur surfers make up a vast majority of all internet porn surfers, because you're catering to the dream of "this could happen to me."
The idea that any of your surfers could possibly come into contact with the models on your site is precisely the idea that you want to encourage. You can do this through "diary entries" written by your model(s), detailing how a surfer hooked up with your amateurs. Many times, you can get this done rather cheaply by hiring a writer to write your diary entries.
You can also occasionally insert a photo or two of your model with someone who looks like an average Joe, delightfully penning a small, "Hey, here's a photo of Member So and So with me at the zoo/club/bar/show, etc." beneath it. Surfers will see this and go ape, keeping their hopes alive that it might someday be them in the picture.
A good amateur site will have photos that are not terribly photoshopped. You want your girls to look a little rough around the edges; that's part of what makes them believable. Your site should also be a bit on the "amateur" side in regards to design. If you make your site look too professional, the illusion of amateurity goes out the window.
Things to keep in mind when designing and working an amateur site: Keep it simple. Don't get overloaded on graphics and hype. Don't photoshop your girls until they look like Barbie dolls. That's not the look you want, and it's certainly not the look that your surfers are after. Keep the content changing, almost on a constant basis. The more stuff you can give your surfers, the more likely they'll refer friends, and the happier they'll be.
Keep it believable. Offer something that will keep the voyeurs happy, like short diary entries and "unplanned" photos of your models. Make sure that you keep updates simple but often in order to remain effective.
Take the time to visit a few amateur sites and cam girl sites, and then go for it. Enjoy yourself and soon your surfers will be enjoying themselves too.
Take care of yourselves! ~ Tala
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