A customizable, modular and responsive lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery, the free lightGallery script uses a CSS-only approach for resizing images and videos to make it extremely flexible and considerably faster than using a JavaScript solution.
LightGallery comes with a number of built in modules to provide thumbnails, full screen and zoom viewing, and more, with it being easy to create custom modules to add features, as well as to delete unneeded modules for faster speed.
The plugin supports touch and swipe navigation on touchscreen devices, as well as mouse drag for desktops.
The plugin supports touch and swipe navigation on touchscreen devices, as well as mouse drag for desktops, allowing users to navigate between slides regardless of the viewing device. Numerous options allow for easy customization by updating SASS variables.
Other options include a choice of animated or static thumbnails, plus support for YouTube and Vimeo video galleries, 20+ hardware-accelerated CSS3 transitions, support for all types of HTML5 video formats, and more.