If you weren't really into Asian women before, like this guy, you will be after Dreaming of Snow.
But don't take my word for it - take David Aaron Clark's!
I have the feeling you're skimming. I appreciate the good intentions but there's a rush to judgment here .... it's like you're trying too hard to sell what a great guy I am as opposed to actually describing the movie. lol
The "lol" is the closest Clark will get to actually being a Japanese girl. BTW, that is Kylie Rey in Clark's apartment making a sundae of herself, not Heidi Ho. But if you had the chance to use Heidi Ho in a headline, you would.
Read the review here.
Previously: Tia Tanaka and the balance of power; Dreaming of Blondes
See also: David Aaron Clark, Metro
Other DAC-related news: A Twisted Tale (sfweekly.com)